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  • CaregiversSee more
  • Kinship Caregivers
The "Parenting Teens" series comprises seven parts for prospective and current foster, adoptive, kinship and guardian parents who are or will be raising older children from foster care who have moderate to severe emotional and behavioral challenges.
  • CaregiversSee more
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
Join us for Book Club! The CaRES team leads you through a reading and discussion of “Dancing with a Porcupine” by Jennie Owens.“Dancing with a Porcupine” shares the compelling story of the author’s struggle to save her own life while caring for three children she and her husband adopted from foster care.In the three sessions, you will discuss themes including: self-care; trauma-informed care; expectations and hurt feelings; compassion fatigue; and balancing real life with the outside pressure to look like you are doing it all well.
  • CaregiversSee more
  • English
When you have children who live at home with you, becoming a foster parent also means becoming a foster family. Growing up with foster siblings comes with unique challenges but there are strategies you can use to help your bio and adopted kids adapt and thrive!During both sessions of this supportive facilitated discussion, you will collaborate with fellow caregivers to identify some of the unique challenges bio and adopted kids face, consider the impact fostering may have on your children, and share strategies you can use to nurture strength and resilience as a family unit.
For many children in foster care, the path up to, including and even after adoption can include trauma, grief and loss. As a potential adoptive parent, it’s crucial that you understand the story a foster child is bringing to you and what part you can play in that.
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  • Supervisors
  • 3.00 Participation
These two-hour sessions will provide you with the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the importance of co-creating culturally relevant case plans with families, service matching and applying the child safety framework/risk assessments to develop behavioral case plans.
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  • Supervisors
This course will build on the Foundations of Practice modules.  Prior to the simulation, participants will independently prepare for their testimony.  This will be a guided preparation with a focus on the changes in standards for out of home placement at shelter care outlined in the Keeping Families Together Act (House Bill 1227). Participants will prepare for a simulated shelter care hearing based on a case scenario.
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  • Supervisors
  • 2.00 Participation
These sessions provide participants of the Domestic Violence in Child Welfare in-service training an opportunity to expand their knowledge and work within live cases. Topics of the sessions are identified by the cohort members and learning activities are organized and facilitated by Alliance staff. These sessions will rely on the policy and best practices in "The Social Worker’s Practice Guide to Domestic Violence" for child welfare work with families experiencing domestic violence.
  • English
  • 2.00 Participation
These two-hour sessions provide participants who have attended any TBRI Principles classes (there are four classes) or the TBRI for DCYF class an opportunity to expand their TBRI knowledge and work within live cases. These sessions will provide opportunities to apply strategic responses to move children/youth, caregivers and staff toward change and increasing the parent, caregiver and staff’s protective capacities to ensure child safety, well-being, and permanency. 
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  • Supervisors
  • 3.00 Participation
This course explores the critical concept of the best interests of the child in child welfare. You will learn to identify factors such as the child's wishes, needs, safety, permanency, and well-being. Through case analyses, you will apply this framework to various scenarios, developing skills to advocate effectively while navigating legal, ethical, and cultural considerations, essential for articulating to the courts. Join us to become a more impactful advocate for children's rights in the child welfare system!
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  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • 11.00 Participation
The RIGHT RESPONSE Level 3 Workshop is primarily prevention training.  This 11-hour certification provides basic skills including Prevention, De-escalation, Postvention, and Physical Safety skills. Attendees learn about self-awareness, reflective thinking skills, positive behavior support, basic and advanced de-escalation skills, self-protection, and proactive alternatives which can prevent dangerous incidents and increase safety.Attendees that complete the workshop receive a 2-year certification.  
