Event date
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
The "Parenting Teens" series comprises seven parts for prospective and current foster, adoptive, kinship and guardian parents who are or will be raising older children from foster care who have moderate to severe emotional and behavioral challenges.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • Support Groups
Join us for Book Club! The CaRES team leads you through a reading and discussion of “Dancing with a Porcupine” by Jennie Owens.“Dancing with a Porcupine” shares the compelling story of the author’s struggle to save her own life while caring for three children she and her husband adopted from foster care.In the three sessions, you will discuss themes including: self-care; trauma-informed care; expectations and hurt feelings; compassion fatigue; and balancing real life with the outside pressure to look like you are doing it all well.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • Support Groups
This facilitated discussion group is a continuation of the seven-part “Parenting Teens” webinar. This group will continue to explore strategies for parenting teens with a history of trauma, developing healthy and supportive relationships with your teen, nurturing their identity, and understanding their challenging behaviors. You’ll work with other parents of teens to develop an action plan that takes into account your and your teen’s unique circumstances and proactively addresses the challenges you face. 
  • Caregivers
  • English
  • Support Groups
When you have children who live at home with you, becoming a foster parent also means becoming a foster family. Growing up with foster siblings comes with unique challenges but there are strategies you can use to help your bio and adopted kids adapt and thrive!During both sessions of this supportive facilitated discussion, you will collaborate with fellow caregivers to identify some of the unique challenges bio and adopted kids face, consider the impact fostering may have on your children, and share strategies you can use to nurture strength and resilience as a family unit.
  • Caregivers
  • English
For many children in foster care, the path up to, including and even after adoption can include trauma, grief and loss. As a potential adoptive parent, it’s crucial that you understand the story a foster child is bringing to you and what part you can play in that.
  • Caregivers
This 3-hour focused topic training for caregivers will focus on how children exposed to prenatal substance abuse in their life have an increased chance of experiencing many effects, such as poor social, cognitive, and emotional development, physical, mental, and health issues, depression, anxiety, concentration and learning difficulties, trouble controlling their responses as well as other traumatic issues. The goal of this training is to identify and address the impacts Prenatal drug use has on children and set up a successful environment and coping skills.
  • Caregivers
This 3-hour focused topic training for caregivers will identify and address the various types of drugs used during pregnancy; the impacts those drugs have on the Infant, toddler, and school-age child; and recognize the effects of prenatal drug exposure so caregivers can be proactive in their care and guidance of the children in their care. 
  • Caregivers
This 3-hour focused topic training for caregivers provides an in-depth exploration of Drug Impacted Infants and Toddlers. The training focuses on how to identify and address the impacts drugs have on infants and toddlers; how to recognize symptoms; set up a successful environment and work together with the team in providing care for the child. Caregivers will leave this training feeling empowered to care for a drug impacted Infant as they grow through infancy, toddlerhood, and preschool. 
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 3.00 Participation
These two-hour sessions will provide you with the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the importance of co-creating culturally relevant case plans with families, service matching and applying the child safety framework/risk assessments to develop behavioral case plans.
  • Caregivers
The “Engaging Youth In Group Care” series is composed of seven modules for those working with youth in a group care setting who have moderate to severe emotional and behavioral challenges.Foundational Module 1 helps you develop an understanding of the underlying causes of a youth’s behavior, which is one of the first steps in supporting their well-being.Foundational Modules 1 and 2 must be taken in order.  After you have completed these two modules, you can take the remaining 5 modules in any order.
