Caregiving for Children With Physically Aggressive Behavior Concerns (eLearning) |
Infant Safety: Plan of Safe Care |
Infant Safety: Assessing the Infant's Environment |
Pregnant and Parenting Youth for DCYF staff (eLearning) |
Preparing Youth for Transitioning to Adulthood (eLearning) |
Advanced Guidelines for Difficult Conversations |
Family Time with Incarcerated Parents (eLearning) |
Advanced Adoption: Effects of Trauma and Loss on Adopted Children (eLearning) |
Interstate Placements: Fundamentals and Your Role (eLearning) |
Parenting Teens |
Introduction to the Investigative Process for Caregivers |
Supervisor Reflective Workshops |
Supervising for Safety: Decision Making Tools for Supervisors (eLearning) |
Supervisor Core Training 1.1: Essential Professional Tools |
Supervisor Core Training 3.0: Coaching |