Event date
- Area Administrators
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- English
This 3-hour course will help Children’s Administration social workers and supervisors who do ongoing work in the child welfare system with identification of and responses to secondary trauma. The training will increase knowledge and understanding of the levels of secondary trauma, its impact, and how to manage the impact in our environment.
- Social Worker
- English
- 6.00 Participation
Worker Safety – a one-day mandatory training for social service specialists, covering such topics as:• Types of workplace violence related to social work practice• Predictors of violent behavior• Recognizing escalating behavior• Safety in the field• Safety precautions in methamphetamine sites• Resources and support for worker safety• Working with law enforcement
- Social Worker
- English
- 3.00 Participation
LEARN is a suicide awareness training that helps participants identify and act on signs of suicide. The training was developed in the School of Social Work by noted Suicidologist, Dr. Jennifer Stuber, and is based on best practices outlined by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA). LEARN® is designed to empower individuals to help others move in the direction of hope, recovery, and survival. Presenters for this training are contracted and trained by Forefront Suicide Prevention.
- Social Worker
- English
- 12.00 Participation
This two-day in-service training delivered by webinar will prepare new CFWS caseworkers and experienced CFWS caseworkers who wish to improve their practice to engage parents and families from the point of transfer or case assignment. Participants will learn how to make the most of the first meeting and monthly visits with the parent in building a working relationship geared toward safe reunification and timely permanency. Participants will explore engaging children and caregivers during monthly visits, best interest considerations and permanency planning.
- Area Administrators
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- English
- 14.00 Participation
The RIGHT RESPONSE Workshop is primarily prevention training. The Advanced Level 4 training is a full 14-hour certification which provides the skills of Prevention, De-escalation, Postvention and Physical Interventions, including Escorts and Therapeutic Holds. Attendees learn to use physical intervention as the last resort to maintaining safety and learn more proactive alternatives which can prevent dangerous incidents and increase safety.Attendees that complete the workshop receive a 1 year certification and recertification training will be offered annually.
- Area Administrators
- Program Managers
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- 16.00 Participation
Working with families impacted by Domestic Violence can be challenging, nerve wracking, and sometimes inspiring. You may often wish that you had more guidance about how you should approach this work.
- Social Worker
- English
- 12.00 Participation
The focus of this course is on the role of the CFWS caseworker in achieving permanency for children taking into consideration how safety threats, risk factor and protective factors apply to achieving timely permanency. You will explore how to work a case from the beginning to achieve permanency through concurrent planning, having difficult conversations with parents about concurrent planning and the permanency process, how to assess for reunification, including the conditions for return home, determining best interest and choosing alternate plans.
- Social Worker
- English
- 12.00 Participation
This two-day in-service training will prepare new Family Voluntary Services (FVS) caseworkers and experienced FVS caseworkers who wish to improve their practice to engage parents and families from the point of transfer or case assignment. Participants will learn how to make the most of the first meeting and monthly visits with the parent in building a working relationship geared to reducing or mitigating safety threats and risk. Participants will be provided opportunity to improve the quality of case plans by linking services to behavior changes.
TBRI for DCYF Staff is a foundational level training for DCYF workforce. This introductory training will help you learn the basic approaches of the three TBRI Principles (Connecting, Empowering and Correcting) by engaging participants in group activities and discussions based on real-life scenarios. TBRI uses effective techniques that help you help children gain a sense of belonging through connection, empowering and correction. TBRI tools are designed to create and heal connection and empower and encourage children to realize their own capability.
- Area Administrators
- Program Managers
- Supervisors
- English
- 3.00 Participation
This three-hour course covers Situational Leadership and Supervisor Readiness (4Rs). The course will review the three necessary components and strategies to impact performance. The Situational Leadership Theory developed by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard presents a model that suggests that to be effective leaders, supervisors must match their leadership style to an individual worker’s level of job readiness (job maturity).