Event date
  • Caregivers
This 3-hour focused topic training for caregivers provides an in-depth exploration of Drug Impacted Infants and Toddlers. The training focuses on how to identify and address the impacts drugs have on infants and toddlers; how to recognize symptoms; set up a successful environment and work together with the team in providing care for the child. Caregivers will leave this training feeling empowered to care for a drug impacted Infant as they grow through infancy, toddlerhood, and preschool. 
This series of courses for caregivers teaches the Positive Discipline model. The first course, Introduction to Positive Discipline, teaches the foundational concepts of the model and is required before taking any of the other six courses. After this first course is taken, the remaining modules may be taken in any order.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • Support Groups
  • 2.00 Participation
Welcoming a child into your home, even temporarily, means accepting and affirming their whole selves. When a child has a different racial, ethnic, or cultural background than yours, it can be challenging to know the best ways to properly care for their unique physical, spiritual, and cultural needs.  
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 3.00 Participation
This class will provide opportunities for participants to utilize the various supervisory case review tools as well as reflective supervision to promote permanency, critical thinking and reflection when supervising staff. Ideally this session will be delivered to a combined group of CFWS and Adoption Supervisors to strengthen the connectedness between units and eliminate potential barriers to permanency. It is intended that this session and the materials presented will promote active participation and discussion in the context of real cases.
  • Area Administrators
  • English
  • 36.00 Participation
New managers need to achieve competency in understanding the child welfare practice as well as in the higher levels of systems management. This course provides managers with an introduction of baseline competencies for middle managers in public child welfare, and opportunities to develop and practice new skills regarding these competencies. Managing self, managing others, managing systems and managing outward are the four main themes integrated throughout this course.
  • Social Worker
  • English
  • 3.00 Participation
LEARN is a suicide awareness training that helps participants identify and act on signs of suicide. The training was developed in the School of Social Work by noted Suicidologist, Dr. Jennifer Stuber, and is based on best practices outlined by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA). LEARN® is designed to empower individuals to help others move in the direction of hope, recovery, and survival. Presenters for this training are contracted and trained by Forefront Suicide Prevention.
  • Area Administrators
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 6.00 Participation
In this workshop supervisors and managers will develop their skills for engaging across culture when tension exists.  Together we will explore Intent vs. Impact, how implicit bias can affect their decision making in determining outcomes and unpack dynamics between employees when conflict exists.  Participants will learn how best to approach tense situations through role playing, video, and small and large group discussion.
  • Social Worker
  • English
  • 6.00 Participation
Worker Safety – a one-day mandatory training for social service specialists, covering such topics as:• Types of workplace violence related to social work practice• Predictors of violent behavior• Recognizing escalating behavior• Safety in the field• Safety precautions in methamphetamine sites• Resources and support for worker safety• Working with law enforcement
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
The most frequent allegation of child maltreatment is neglect.  Some families are referred to the department numerous times with little change in family functioning.  In this course, participants will learn how to assess for chronic neglect, its effects on children and appropriate interventions.
  • Social Worker
  • English
  • 6.00 Participation
This 6-hour webinar will provide participants with an understanding of substance use and when it affects the safety of children in the family, how to safety plan with families who have children of all ages (0-18), how to support clients in their treatment programs, and how to measure progress sufficient to have mitigated the safety threats to the children.
