Event date
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 4.00 Participation
This course will use kin-first culture principles to help DCYF workers engaging with kinship and relative caregivers to prepare them for successful placements of youth.
  • 12.00 Participation
Advanced Practice in Motivational Interviewing will further support you in achieving competence in the use of Motivational interviewing with families. During the Advanced offering you will have multiple opportunities for practice and skill development as well as the opportunity to begin the process of being coded to fidelity through the use of the Motivational Interviewing Competency Assessment (MICA)  tool. Coding staff to fidelity of MI is an opportunity for caseworkers to become professionals in MI.
Foundations of Motivational Interviewing for Child Welfare StaffFoundations of Motivational Interviewing for Child Welfare Staff will introduce you to the Spirit of MI; provide the opportunity to begin developing core skills, including using OARS (Open Ended Questions, affirmations, reflections and summaries) responding to the way people talk about change; and understand how to work with resistance. You will get practice opportunities to increase your skill at strategically responding to sustain talk and change talk and helping families make Brief Action Plans.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • Support Groups
Join us for Book Club! The CaRES team leads you through a reading and discussion of “Dancing with a Porcupine” by Jennie Owens.“Dancing with a Porcupine” shares the compelling story of the author’s struggle to save her own life while caring for three children she and her husband adopted from foster care.In the three sessions, you will discuss themes including: self-care; trauma-informed care; expectations and hurt feelings; compassion fatigue; and balancing real life with the outside pressure to look like you are doing it all well.