Event date
- Caregivers
- Kinship Caregivers
- English
- Support Groups
This 3-week book club is an extension of the Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) modules or the TBRI book clubs: The Connected Child and The Connected Parent. Based on selections from “The Connected Therapist” by Marti Smith, discussions during the three sessions will focus on understanding sensory processing challenges, developing sensory processing strategies, and the practical application of those strategies in everyday caregiving.
- Caregivers
- Spanish
- Support Groups
¿Alguna vez ha sentido que su cultura latino/a/x e idioma impacta su experiencia como padre de crianza? En este grupo de discusión facilitada de apoyo solo para hispanohablantes, tendrá la oportunidad de hablar con otros padres de crianza y parientes como proveedores de cuidados sobre sus experiencias y compartir las suyas. Como grupo, hablarán sobre herramientas y técnicas útiles para navegar por los problemas comunes que enfrentan los cuidadores de habla hispana y utilizarlas para desarrollar estrategias específicamente para su familia.
- Caregivers
The “Engaging Youth In Group Care” series is composed of seven modules for those working with youth in a group care setting who have moderate to severe emotional and behavioral challenges.
- Caregivers
- English
- Support Groups
As a caregiver, the very best thing you can do for those who depend on you is to take care of yourself. This group is an extension of the topic support group “Self Care for Caregivers.” In this group, you will engage in conversations around how to make sure you see how setting and keeping healthy boundaries allows you to continue doing the valuable work you do while protecting your important relationships. You can talk about challenges you’re facing when thinking about boundaries, because real life sometimes makes it hard to say no or hold to your priorities.
- Caregivers
- Kinship Caregivers
This two-week book club is an introduction to the concepts detailed in Robyn Gobbel's book, "Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors." The weekly discussions are focused on section one of the book. Throughout the guided conversations, you will have the chance to consider how the neuroscience of behavior can help you better understand your child's actions and needs.
- Caregivers
- Kinship Caregivers
This four-week book club is an extension of the Topic Support Group: Big Baffling Behaviors Book Club, Introduction. The weekly discussions will cover sections two and three of Robyn Gobbel's book, "Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors." Throughout the guided discussions, you will have the chance to consider how the concept of the Owl, Watchdog and Possum brains impact your child's behaviors, develop parenting strategies tailored to your home, and build your own self-regulation toolkit.
- Caregivers
This course helps participants understand typical child development as well as disrupted child development. Developmental delays and how to meet children’s developmental needs are also covered in this theme. The unique challenges associated with parenting children from each developmental stage are highlighted.
- Caregivers
This course helps participants understand the short- and long-term impact on children exposed to substances prenatally. This includes FASD and issues that may be present if parents use(d) substances, and medical issues that can arise due to substance exposure, including higher risk of later addiction. The genetic component of addiction and addiction as a chronic disease is described. This course also shares parenting strategies for children exposed to substances prenatally.
- Caregivers
- Kinship Caregivers
- English
- Support Groups
The goal of foster care is to reunify the child with their original family, but the journey from placement to permanency can be long and winding. Sometimes it feels like you are all living in limbo between planning and permanency. During this topic support group, you will talk through the different types of permanency, the emotional challenges of concurrent planning, and some of the ways you can support the child during the waiting. You will also have a chance to consider the supports you need. Lastly, you will create an action plan to help you navigate the unknowns.
- Supervisors
- 91.00 Participation
Supervisor Core Training (SCT) provides the foundation for effective supervisory practice in the child welfare system. This program will prepare you to become comfortable in assuming your new role through learnings about what it means to be a supervisor in the child welfare system and understanding the new responsibilities of this position.