Parenting the Positive Discipline Way (sunset)
Parenting the Positive Discipline Way is a series of six in-service level series of trainings for foster and kinship caregivers which explores tools to teach valuable social and life skills to children instead of using any form of punishment, rewards, praise, permissiveness or logical consequences. This six-part Positive Discipline series will help foster parents and kinship care providers to better understand why discipline with abused and neglected children is different from the discipline that typically works with children who have not been abused or neglected. Participants will learn how to use effective discipline that is kind and firm, creates connection before correction, is empowering and encouraging to children to believe in their own capability, and keeps the joy in caregiving. Participants will gain practice with experiential exercises, group discussions, and handouts to develop skills for getting into the child’s world to understand the belief behind behavior in order to motivate change. Topics and techniques apply to all ages and many settings.
The Alliance also offers An Introduction to Positive Discipline for those who are interested in experiencing a 2 hour sample of Positive Discipline training around techniques and principles for your home.
In addition, the Alliance offers individual coaching sessions around implementing Positive Discipline techniques. The coaching session requires that a participant has completed at least one of the sessions of Positive Discipline.
The six sessions are each 2 hours.
Target Audience
Caregivers, licensed, unlicensed, relative and fictive kin
There are no Social Work CEUs available for this course at this time.
Registration Instructions
Each part of this 6-part training series must be taken in order, as the information builds upon itself. If you cannot attend all parts in order, please contact a trainer to work out scheduling. Please do not attempt to register for part 2 unless you have completed part 1 or are also registering for a session of part 1 that takes place before you take part 2, etc.