Event date
  • Social Worker
  • English
  • 18.00 Participation
This three day in-service will describe the two different CPS pathways, Family Assessment Response (FAR) and Investigations.
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
This course builds on knowledge-based learning objectives and related information presented in the pre-requisite LGBTQIA+ Basics for Supporting Youth eLearning for general audiences.  You must first complete that course before registering for this one. In this course, licensing staff will learn to center the lived experiences of LGBTQIA+ youth in conversations with licensed providers, both in childcare and out-of-home care systems. 
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
This two-week book club is an introduction to the concepts detailed in Robyn Gobbel's book, "Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors." The weekly discussions are focused on section one of the book. Throughout the guided conversations, you will have the chance to consider how the neuroscience of behavior can help you better understand your child's actions and needs. 
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
This four-week book club is an extension of the Topic Support Group: Big Baffling Behaviors Book Club, Introduction. The weekly discussions will cover sections two and three of Robyn Gobbel's book, "Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors." Throughout the guided discussions, you will have the chance to consider how the concept of the Owl, Watchdog and Possum brains impact your child's behaviors, develop parenting strategies tailored to your home, and build your own self-regulation toolkit. 
Advanced Practice in Motivational Interviewing will further support you in achieving competence in the use of Motivational interviewing with families. During the Advanced offering you will have multiple opportunities for practice and skill development as well as the opportunity to begin the process of being coded to fidelity through the use of the Motivational Interviewing Competency Assessment (MICA)  tool. Coding staff to fidelity of MI is an opportunity for caseworkers to become professionals in MI.
