Event date
  • Social Worker
  • English
  • 12.00 Participation
This two-day in-service training delivered by webinar will prepare new CFWS caseworkers and experienced CFWS caseworkers who wish to improve their practice to engage parents and families from the point of transfer or case assignment. Participants will learn how to make the most of the first meeting and monthly visits with the parent in building a working relationship geared toward safe reunification and timely permanency. Participants will explore engaging children and caregivers during monthly visits, best interest considerations and permanency planning.
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 8.00 Participation
This course takes place across two, 4-hour sessions. In order to receive credit for completion, you must complete both sessions.
  • Area Administrators
  • Program Managers
  • Social Worker
  • English
New supervisors need to achieve competency in understanding the child welfare practice as well as in supervision. This course provides supervisors with an introduction of baseline competencies for supervisors in public child welfare, and opportunities to develop and practice new skills regarding these competencies. Managing self, managing others, managing systems and managing outward are the four main themes integrated throughout this course.
  • Social Worker
  • English
  • 5.00 Participation
Assessment of every environment in which an infant lives and sleeps, as well as all individuals providing care, is critical to ensuring the safety of this vulnerable population. Emphasis will be placed on developmental needs, attachment, and the infant’s relationships.
  • Social Worker
  • English
  • 320.00 Participation
Regional Core Training (RCT) is Washington State’s pre-service foundational training designed to prepare newly hired social service specialists with the basic knowledge, skills, and understanding to begin their careers in public child welfare for the State of Washington. RCT is a comprehensive training containing multiple sessions which lay the foundation for continuous on-the-job learning and professional development critical to developing competent, confident, and effective child welfare professionals.
  • Social Worker
  • English
  • 4.00 Participation
The Period of PURPLE Crying will provide social workers with an understanding of the importance of assessing for both prolonged crying in infancy and the caregiver’s ability to manage long periods of crying. Emphasis will be placed on safety in terms of the connection between prolonged crying and child abuse/neglect, as well as completion of the Period of PURPLE Crying Training Certification through dontshake.org (if not previously completed).
  • Area Administrators
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
This course will focus on providing information and engaging in conversation about LGBTQ+ children, youth and families. You will learn about identifying and addressing systemic institutional and personal biases when serving LGBTQ+ children, youth and families. Activities and self-reflection exercises will prepare you to return to your work and create a welcoming, safe and affirming space. Included in this training is updated terminology, resources, and current data/statistics.
  • Area Administrators
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 6.00 Participation
In this training, you’ll consider how to best explain the safety threat that’s keeping a child in out-of-home care and think about how this threat impacts child safety during family time. You’ll practice applying the threshold questions to decisions about family time and articulating to the court why you are recommending a specific level of supervision, even when the child needs to remain out of the home. You will also learn to address areas of personal and institutional bias and how this appears in the language used to shape views of child safety.
  • Area Administrators
  • Program Managers
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
Foundations of Motivational Interviewing for Child Welfare Staff will introduce you to the Spirit of MI; provide the opportunity to begin developing core skills, including using OARS (Open Ended Questions, affirmations, reflections and summaries) responding to the way people talk about change; and understand how to work with resistance. You will get practice opportunities to increase your skill at strategically responding to sustain talk and change talk and helping families make Brief Action Plans.
  • Area Administrators
  • Program Managers
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
During this training, you will enhance your decision-making in child welfare by employing objective evidence, identifying behavior patterns, considering family perspectives and utilizing collateral information. This course will explore techniques for integrating new information effectively and recognizing biases, such as confirmation bias, to enhance decision-making abilities.
