Event date
- Social Worker
- English
- 12.00 Participation
The focus of this course is on the role of the CFWS caseworker in achieving permanency for children taking into consideration how safety threats, risk factor and protective factors apply to achieving timely permanency. You will explore how to work a case from the beginning to achieve permanency through concurrent planning, having difficult conversations with parents about concurrent planning and the permanency process, how to assess for reunification, including the conditions for return home, determining best interest and choosing alternate plans.
- Social Worker
- English
- 12.00 Participation
This two-day in-service training will prepare new Family Voluntary Services (FVS) caseworkers and experienced FVS caseworkers who wish to improve their practice to engage parents and families from the point of transfer or case assignment. Participants will learn how to make the most of the first meeting and monthly visits with the parent in building a working relationship geared to reducing or mitigating safety threats and risk. Participants will be provided opportunity to improve the quality of case plans by linking services to behavior changes.
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- English
This course builds on knowledge-based learning objectives and related information presented in the pre-requisite LGBTQIA+ Basics for Supporting Youth eLearning for general audiences. You must first complete that course before registering for this one. In this course, licensing staff will learn to center the lived experiences of LGBTQIA+ youth in conversations with licensed providers, both in childcare and out-of-home care systems.
- Social Worker
- 6.00 Participation
Trauma Informed Engagement is a 6-hour course applying lessons from trauma studies to child welfare practice for children, youth, and adults. Participants will discuss practice guidelines crucial to trauma informed practice in any setting. Participants will learn to distinguish trauma from other adversities and suffering; describe the characteristics, dynamics and effects of trauma; and emphasize the ways in which chronic trauma and complex trauma compromise normal functioning.
- Area Administrators
- Caregivers
- Program Managers
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- English
- 1.50 Participation
Mandatory Reporters play a vital role in safeguarding vulnerable children when they believe abuse or neglect is occurring. This is done through reporting to the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) Intake, or by supporting families with community referrals when they have identified risk factors present that could contribute to the potential of abuse or neglect.
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- English
- 10.50 Participation
This course is mandatory for CFWS workers, and recommended for Intake, CPS and other case carrying staff.