Trauma Informed Engagement

Trauma Informed Engagement is a 6-hour course applying lessons from trauma studies to child welfare practice for children, youth, and adults. Participants will discuss practice guidelines crucial to trauma informed practice in any setting. Participants will learn to distinguish trauma from other adversities and suffering; describe the characteristics, dynamics and effects of trauma; and emphasize the ways in which chronic trauma and complex trauma compromise normal functioning. Participants will learn to recognize and respond to situations involving the loss of control of body, mind, and emotions associated with trauma. Participants will practice, and commit to trauma informed engagement strategies, utilizing themes of empowerment, advocacy, and building resilience in children, youth, and adults.

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 6.00 Participation
    Participants should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Available Credit

  • 6.00 Participation
    Participants should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Please login or register to take this course.

To register for this class in the Washington State Learning Center, please click on the name of the class you want to register for in the table below. This will connect you to the Learning Center. If you do not see the class you wish to register for there, the class is full or enrollment has been closed for another reason. If you wish to take this class, but do not have an account in the Washington State Learning Center, you may request enrollment by filling out an External Registration Request.

Trauma Informed Engagement06/18/20259am-4pmWebinar
Trauma Informed Engagement05/05/20259am-4pmWebinar
Trauma Informed Engagement04/16/20259am-4pmWebinar
Trauma Informed Engagement03/18/20259am-4pmWebinar
Trauma Informed Engagement02/12/25 - 02/13/259am-12pmWebinar
Trauma Informed Engagement01/21/25 - 01/22/251pm-4pm & 9am-12pmWebinar
Trauma Informed Engagement11/05/24 & 11/07/241pm-4pmWebinar
Trauma Informed Engagement10/08/20249am-4pmCANCELED
Trauma Informed Engagement08/14/20249am-4pmWebinar
Trauma Informed Engagement07/30/20249am-4pmWebinar
Trauma Informed Engagement06/25/20249am-4pmWebinar
Trauma Informed Engagement06/13/20249:30am-4:30pmTumwater DCYF
Trauma Informed Engagement05/23/20249:30am-4:30pmRegion 4 Training Hub (Delridge)
Trauma Informed Engagement05/06/20249am-4pmWebinar
Trauma Informed Engagement04/17/20249am-4pmWebinar