Event date
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- English
- 8.00 Participation
This course takes place across two, 4-hour sessions. In order to receive credit for completion, you must complete both sessions.
- Area Administrators
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- English
Participants will be engaged to consider their own thoughts, beliefs, and biases about mental illness; understand basic definitions associated with parental mental illness and child safety; and identify family assessment strategies that can focus on the intersection between parental mental illness and child safety. Additionally, ideas and tools for drafting effective case plans and objectives to achieve child safety with parental mental illness is a factor will also be discussed.
- Area Administrators
- Program Managers
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- English
- 6.00 Participation
This course provides key information incorporating changes necessary to comply with Washington State Supreme Court decisions, In re Dependency of Z.J.G. and M.E.J.G. and In re Dependency of G.J.A. The training introduces content that sets the stage for applying the revisions to the Indian Child Welfare Policies and Procedures throughout practice in Washington State.
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- 6.00 Participation
For social workers, difficult conversations are part of a broad landscape of interactions necessary to achieve the best outcomes for children, youth and families. This new training, “Advanced Guidelines for Difficult Conversations,” will give you the tools to feel prepared to manage these exchanges effectively and with respect. By definition difficult conversations bring together opposing opinions and high stakes, with the potential for conflict and negative emotional reactions.
- Social Worker
- English
- 6.00 Participation
This 6-hour webinar will provide participants with an understanding of substance use and when it affects the safety of children in the family, how to safety plan with families who have children of all ages (0-18), how to support clients in their treatment programs, and how to measure progress sufficient to have mitigated the safety threats to the children.
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- English
- 3.00 Participation
This discussion will prepare CPS FAR and CPS FVS caseworkers who wish to expand their practice in developing case plans with parents/caregivers, children, Tribal representatives, and other family identified supports. Participants will learn how to make the most of meeting with families in building a working relationship geared toward reducing or eliminating safety threats and increasing the parent or caregiver’s protective capacities to ensure child safety, well-being, and permanency.
- Area Administrators
- Program Managers
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- 1.00 Participation
You will learn how to write a strength-based, trauma-informed, culturally responsive and LGBTQIA+ affirming Child Information and Placement Referral (CIPR, CHIPR or 15-300). Understanding how the Child Information and Placement Referral (15-300) impacts child and youth placements is a primary focus.
- Area Administrators
- Program Managers
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- 0.50 Participation
This eLearning is the second part of a two-part introduction to service referrals. Building upon the foundational concepts introduced in Part 1, this course revisits the basic workflow for initiating an In-Home or Reunification service referral in the FamLink case management system, augmented by a practical case scenario.
- Area Administrators
- Program Managers
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- English
- 3.00 Participation
During this training, you will enhance your decision-making in child welfare by employing objective evidence, identifying behavior patterns, considering family perspectives and utilizing collateral information. This course will explore techniques for integrating new information effectively and recognizing biases, such as confirmation bias, to enhance decision-making abilities.
- Caregivers
- Social Worker
- English
TBRI® (Trust-Based Relational Intervention) is an attachment-based, trauma-informed intervention that is designed to meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. This course is an overview designed to give you exposure to all parts of TBRI® by highlighting the ways in which each section of the intervention strategy fits into the holistic nature of TBRI®. The first few activities provide an opportunity for you to become comfortable with each other, share successes and challenges with each other, and become familiar with the basic ideas of TBRI®.