Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) Module 1: Connecting Principles

TBRI® is an attachment-based approach to parenting that is designed to meet the complex needs of children. TBRI uses the Empowering Principles to address physical needs, Connecting Principles for attachment needs, and Correcting Principles to disarm fear-based behaviors.

This module focuses on attachment, which is the most important dynamic system that a child experiences during development. This module covers several topics including the attachment cycle, infant attachment classifications, what happens when things go wrong in attachment, adult attachment styles, and applying your knowledge through TBRI Connecting Principles using Mindful Engagement, Choices, Compromises, and Life Value Terms.

This training is the first of a three-part series.

Additional Information
Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®), is a trauma-informed caregiving model developed by the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development (KPICD). Grounded in attachment theory and neuroscience, TBRI® provides evidence-based strategies to support children who have experienced trauma, promoting healing and connection. Recognized as a promising practice by the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse, TBRI® is designed to serve individuals and families from all backgrounds committed to inclusivity, equity, and respect for diversity. TBRI® is not a faith-based intervention and invites anyone serving children to explore TBRI® as a path to healing. See more information here:


Target Audience


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This course is eligible for 6 Social Work CEUs. 

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