Topic Support Group: Supporting LGBTQIA+ Youth in Foster Care

Understanding your child’s identity is critical to providing them the care and support they need to navigate the development years. Children with an LGBTQIA+ identity may need additional support as they navigate extra social and cultural factors.  In this supportive facilitated discussion group, you will have an opportunity to talk through LGBTQIA+ terminology and identify concrete tools you can use to support a child’s LGBTQIA+ identity.

During the two facilitated discussion sessions, you can ask questions about support resources, share ways you have supported a child in your care, and hear how other caregivers have navigated situations related to a child’s LGBTQIA+ identity.

Topics covered by this course include Caregiver Skills, Caregiver Support and Information, Child Development, Health and Well-Being, Education, Parenting and Trauma. 

Target Audience

Caregivers who have or are considering placement of an LGBTQIA+ youth.

Course summary
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