Topic Support Group: Littlest Lives and Their Big Needs - Parenting 0 to 2

As a parent of an infant or toddler, the earliest development years are among the most critical to a child’s long-term development. Children under 2 who are in foster care often require supports and approaches that are not so typical for their peers. You will talk through their needs, develop strategies to address those needs, and identify the resources available to help you support the littlest lives in care. You will also be able to build community with other caregivers of kids under 2 to share resources, experiences and problem-solving strategies.

Topics covered in this class include Caregiver Skills, Caregiver Support and Information, Child Development, Health and Well-Being, Education and Parenting.

Target Audience

Caregivers to children under the developmental age of 2 years

Course summary
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