Supportive Facilitated Discussion Group: While You Wait 3, Transitioning a Child Into Your Home
Transitioning a child into your home elicits many emotions for the caregiving family and the foster child entering your home for the first time. How are you going to make a child feel safe, welcome, and sure that their needs will be met? How are you going to handle bath time, bedtime, communications, food, and all the other factors that go into those first few nights in the home? Join fellow caregivers who are also preparing their homes to share in a discussion of challenges and opportunities and develop a plan of action.
This course covers the topics of:
Caregiver Skills
Caregiver Support and Information
Child Development, Health and Well-Being, Education
Target Audience
Newly licensed caregivers or caregivers who have completed CCT and are waiting on their license.
This course is not eligible for Social Work CEUs at this time.