Nurturing Conversations with Children about Race

Nurturing Conversations with Children about Race focuses on supporting both kinship caregivers and licensed foster parents to practice new skills, and to increase their confidence with conversations about race. This training builds on what's learned in Parenting in Racially and Culturally Diverse Families. In this class, you will continue to explore how to create an environment where conversations about race become a normal part of home life, both proactive (you start the conversation) and responsive (when a child comes to you for support around racism). The training will also cover resources for ongoing learning about the child's home culture. You will have two opportunities to practice conversations with a child. After the training, further support is available from the Alliance, including topic support groups and mentoring from experienced caregivers.

Target Audience

Caregivers (general)
Kinship Caregivers

Learning Objectives

By the end of the session/course, participants will be able to… 


K1. Describe how their race and the culture of their home shapes their daily life, and how this may be different from the child’s home culture, even when the child is a member of the same extended family. [builds from prerequisite of Parenting in Racially and Culturally Diverse Families or Cultural Humility] 

K2. Identify strategies to learn about the child’s home culture and experiences of race. [builds from prerequisite of Parenting in Racially and Culturally Diverse Families or Cultural Humility] 

K3. Describe two to three examples of how to introduce the concept of race with children, considering factors such as age, language, and context.  


Given a child welfare scenario, caregivers will… 

S1. Demonstrate compassion and empathy in a roleplay of a conversation about race with a child or youth.   

S2. Model how to talk about race with children, using age-appropriate language, providing concrete examples, and encouraging the child to share their perspectives, in a roleplay of a conversation with a child or youth. 


As a result of this training, caregivers will… 

V1. Explain the caregiver’s important, daily role in supporting the child holistically in their development and wellbeing, specifically around race and identity. [builds from prerequisite of Parenting in Racially and Culturally Diverse Families or Cultural Humility] 

V2. Articulate why it’s important to continue learning how caregivers’ own experiences are influenced by their race, and how this can affect the child in their care. 

V3. Express a small increase in comfort and confidence with talking with children about race, and with making changes to their household culture. [builds from prerequisite of Parenting in Racially and Culturally Diverse Families or Cultural Humility]

Course summary
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Course expires: 
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