Individual Skill Development for Discipline-Related Compliance Agreements
The Individual Skill Development for Discipline-Related Compliance Agreements session supports caregivers who are under DCYF Licensing Division Compliance Agreements for child/youth discipline issues. DCYF Licensing Division staff will typically refer caregivers to receive this session when Compliance Agreements are established for discipline concerns. Caregivers will learn to identify and describe specific deficiencies as cited in the Compliance Agreement, demonstrate an understanding of the concerns to be addressed, and identify and build appropriate discipline strategies to mitigate areas of concern. You will be able to develop a plan of action using appropriate discipline strategies to address the areas of concern and successfully complete the Compliance Agreement, demonstrate application and use of the action plan by describing changes made in their discipline approach, and assess the effects of the plan of action -- what works, needs changing, and opportunities for other adjustments as needed.
No Social Work CEUs, STARS credits, or other professional continuing education credits are currently available for this course.
Register/Take course
To register for this class, please reach out to the Statewide Caregiver Lead at