I-LABS in the Classroom (legacy)

I-LABS in the Classroom:
Module 02: Why the First 2,000 Days Matter: A Look Inside the Brain
Module 03: The Importance of Early Interactions
Module 04: The Power of Learning Through Imitation
Module 05: Understanding Emotions
Module 06: Language Development: Learning the Sounds of Language
Module 07: Development of Attachment
Module 08: Attachment in Practice
Module 09: Sharing Attention During Early Childhood
Module 10: Language Development: From Listening to Speaking
Module 11: Bilingual Language Development
Module 12: Temperament in Early Childhood
Module 13: Race Today: What Kids Know As They Grow
Module 14: "Racing" Toward Equality: Why Talking to Your Kids About Race Is Good for Everyone
Module 15: Early Music Experience
Module 16: Foundations of Literacy
Module 17: Development of Literacy
Module 18: Learning to Make Things Happen: How Children Learn Cause-and-Effect
Module 19: Early STEM Learning

Course summary
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