Effects of Abuse and Neglect on Child Development: Foundational Concepts of Child Development (eLearning)
This is Section 1 of the 3-hour in-service level training for Social Workers that explores the principles of child development across the age ranges of birth to three years, three to five years, five to 11 years, and 11 to 17 years. In each age range, factors that affect development across physical, social, emotional, cognitive and reproductive domains, as well as the developmental effects of abuse and neglect on those domains are examined through videos, worksheets, and case scenarios. Information is provided about services and resources to support Social Workers and children in care.
Participants can view and get credit for completion of all or only specific sections of the elearning:
Section 1: Foundational Concepts of Child Development (30 minutes)
Section 2: Birth to Three Years (60 minutes)
Section 3: Three to Five Years (30 minutes)
Section 4: Five to 11 Years (30 minutes)
Section 5: 11 to 17 Years (30 minutes)
Available Credit
- 0.50 ParticipationParticipants should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.