CPR and First Aid for Foster Parents (Online)
**ANNOUNCEMENT** Beginning July 1, 2023, management of the process for registering for CPR will be moving from the Alliance to DCYF. As a result, the Alliance's contract with ProTrainings will be ending at the end of the month and all certifications must be complete by then or you will need to start over. As a result of this, no new enrollments for this class can take place after Saturday June 10. In-person CPR will continue through the end of the month, with registration available here: https://cpe.socialwork.uw.edu/alliance-courses/content/cpr-bbp-and-first-aid-foster-parents-keep-beat#group-tabs-node-course-default4. For CPR training in July and beyond, please contact your licensor for additional information.
ProFirstAid is a blended training where students complete an online course for CPR, First Aid, and AED usage and then schedule a skill evaluation with an instructor via Zoom through this same portal. Once the instructor has confirmed a passing score, the student will receive their electronic CPR Certification card via email with an option to request a physical copy mailed to them within 7-10 business days. CPR certification is valid for 2 years. If you choose this option, you still need to complete the bloodborne pathogens training separately. You can access a free version of the BBP training here: https://cpe.socialwork.uw.edu/alliance-courses/content/bloodborne-pathogens-elearning-326#group-tabs-node-course-default1
There are three steps to this training:
1. Complete the online eLearning
2. Schedule your skills session and request your dummy. Please only request one CPR dummy per household. If someone else in your household has already requested their kit, please check the box saying "I already have equipment."
3. Complete your skills session via Zoom. All individuals in the household will need their own scheduled skills session when sharing a manikin.
Please see this document for instructions on how to register for your class.
**By enrolling in this class, you are affirming that you are a currently licensed foster parent caring for a Washington child seeking renewal or are seeking initial licensure to care for a Washington child. If you do not meet this criteria, you will not be allowed to complete this course.**
This course is offered by ProTrainings.
Available Credit
- 4.75 ParticipationParticipants should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.