Afterhours Core 4.2 Caring for Children: Trauma Informed Care and Following ICWA (webinar) (legacy)

In this course, you will review several principles of trauma informed care and consider how these apply to your routine interactions with children awaiting placement. You will consider what you will need (and need to do) to care for children awaiting placement, whether that is for an hour or a weekend. Significant time is spent addressing children who have challenging behaviors or exceptional care needs. This includes building a stronger understanding of policy and practice around youth who run away or have returned from being on the run. You will become more familiar with how to monitor, dispense, and document medications to youth who are taking them. Lastly, you will discuss your takeaways from the eLearning related to the Indian Child Welfare act. You will apply what you learned to your role in afterhours, and identify steps you should be taking to ensure everyone’s rights are protected.     Participants register separately for each part of the module but MUST complete each session within the module in order.

Participants who have not completed 4.1 will not be allowed to participate in 4.2.  

Module 4 Caring for Children, Worker Safety and Documentation includes:  
4.1 eLearning    Caring for Children and Using Car Seats Correctly  Worker Safety  Indian Child Welfare: An Introduction  
4.2 Webinar    Caring for Children  
4.3 Webinar    Worker Safety and Documentation

Target Audience

Social Workers

Course summary
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