Afterhours Core 3.3 Maltreatment and Placement: Trauma Informed Placements
Afterhour’s staff respond in crises and emergencies – situations that are likely to be traumatic for everyone involved. In this course, you will consider ways to reduce the traumatic impact of removal from the home and placement into a new care setting. You will carefully consider how to determine, along with your supervisor, whether a placement with a relative or suitable other is safe and should occur. In addition, you will learn how to support the success of a placement by reviewing critical forms with a new caregiver, and providing information about the child.
Participants register separately for each part of the module but MUST complete each session within the module in order. Participants who have not completed 3.1 and 3.2 will not be allowed to participate in 3.3.
Module 3 Neglect, Sexual Abuse and Placing Children includes:
3.1 eLearning
- Neglect and Basics of Child Interviews
- Intro to Sexual Abuse and Responding to Spontaneous Disclosure
- Placing with Unlicensed Caregivers for AHCT
3.2 Webinar
- Neglect, Sexual Abuse and Placing Children: Assessing Neglect and Sexual Abuse
3.3 Webinar
- Neglect, Sexual Abuse and Placing Children: Placing Children
Target Audience
Social Workers
Staff newly hired into afterhours, or those who have not been able to attend training specific to afterhours work in the past.
To register for this class in the Washington State Learning Center, please click on the name of the class you want to register for in the table below. This will connect you to the Learning Center. If you do not see the class you wish to register for there, the class is full or enrollment has been closed for another reason. If you wish to take this class, but do not have an account in the Washington State Learning Center, you may request enrollment by filling out an External Registration Request.