Afterhours Core 2.3 Physical Abuse: Serious Physical Abuse

In this session, you will learn about indicators and dynamics of serious physical abuse which produces injuries that require medical care and can cause long-term consequences or death.  This includes strangulation, abdominal injuries, abusive head trauma, burns, and fractures.  You will learn about identifying injuries or patterns that are related to each.  You will have a chance to apply this information to scenarios and discuss the best ways to move forward in situations when serious physical abuse is suspected.

Target Audience

Staff newly hired into afterhours, or those who have not been able to attend training specific to afterhours work in the past.

Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

This course is not eligible for Social Work CEUs at this time. 

Please login or register to take this course.

To register for this class, please go to the Washington State Learning Center. If you do not have access to WSLC and would still like to take this class, you can submit an External Registration Request form here. Please allow 1-3 business days for your request to be processed. 

To register for this class in the Washington State Learning Center, please click on the name of the class you want to register for in the table below. This will connect you to the Learning Center. If you do not see the class you wish to register for there, the class is full or enrollment has been closed for another reason. If you wish to take this class, but do not have an account in the Washington State Learning Center, you may request enrollment by filling out an External Registration Request.

Washington State Learning Center TitleDateTimeLocation
Afterhours Core 2.3 Physical Abuse: Serious Physical Abuse05/15/20255:30pm-7:30pmWebinar
Afterhours Core 2.3 Physical Abuse: Serious Physical Abuse03/04/20255:30pm-7:30pmWebinar
Afterhours Core 2.3 Physical Abuse: Serious Physical Abuse11/26/20246:00pm-8:00pmWebinar
Afterhours Core 2.3 Physical Abuse: Serious Physical Abuse09/17/20246:00pm-8:00pmWebinar
Afterhours Core 2.3 Physical Abuse: Serious Physical Abuse05/07/20245:30pm-7:30pmWebinar
Afterhours Core 2.3 Physical Abuse: Serious Physical Abuse02/12/20245:30pm-7:30pmCANCELED
Afterhours Core 2.3 Physical Abuse: Serious Physical Abuse01/30/20245:30pm-7:30pmWebinar
Afterhours Core 2.3 Physical Abuse: Serious Physical Abuse10/31/20235:30pm-7:30pmWebinar
Afterhours Core 2.3 Physical Abuse: Serious Physical Abuse08/29/20235:30pm-7:30pmWebinar
Afterhours Core 2.3 Physical Abuse: Serious Physical Abuse05/09/20235:30pm-7:30pmWebinar
Afterhours Core 2.3 Physical Abuse: Serious Physical Abuse01/31/20236:00pm-8:00pmWebinar