Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce

This course is mandatory for CFWS workers, and recommended for Intake, CPS and other case carrying staff.

This 10.5-hour course help workers who do ongoing work with adolescents in the child welfare system identify youth who are at risk for or are being commercially sexually exploited. The training will provide a framework for understanding this issue that greatly impacts adolescents in the child welfare system, as well as for understanding the basic social work practices that support helping these youth reach positive outcomes. Participants will leave understanding CA’s policy and legal requirements related to screening and supporting these youth, will practice and consider approaches to supporting these youth, and will be provided with a list of some community resources.

Target Audience

Social workers

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 10.50 Participation
    Participants should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

This course is not eligible for social work CEUs at this time.

Available Credit

  • 10.50 Participation
    Participants should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Please login or register to take this course.

To register for this class in the Washington State Learning Center, please click on the name of the class you want to register for in the table below. This will connect you to the Learning Center. If you do not see the class you wish to register for there, the class is full or enrollment has been closed for another reason. If you wish to take this class, but do not have an account in the Washington State Learning Center, you may request enrollment by filling out an External Registration Request.

Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce06/10-06/12/20258:30am-12:00pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce05/27-05/29/20251:00pm-4:30pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce05/14-05/16/20258:30am-12:00pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce04/14-04/16/20255:15pm-8:45pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce04/08-04/10/20251:00pm-4:30pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce03/11-03/13/20258:30am-12:00pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce02/11-02/13/20258:30am-12:00pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce01/07-01/09/20258:30am-12:00pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce12/03-12/05/20241:00pm-4:30pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce11/13-11/15/20248:30am-12:00pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce10/22-10/24/20248:30am-12:00pmCANCELED
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce09/25-09/27/20248:30am-12:00pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce08/26-08/28/20245:00pm-8:30pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce07/09-07/10/20249:00am-4:00pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce06/05-06/07/20248:30am-12:00pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce05/29-05/31/202412:30pm-4:00pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce05/28-05/30/20245:30pm-9:00pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce05/09-05/16/20248:30am-12:00pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce04/09-04/11/20248:30am-12:00pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce03/25-03/27/20241:00pm-4:30pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce02/26-02/27/20249:00am-3:30pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce02/05-02/06/20249:00am-3:30pmCANCELED
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce01/29-01/31/20241:00pm-4:30pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce12/18-12/19/20239:00am-3:30pmTumwater DCYF
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce11/13-11/15/20231:00pm-4:30pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce09/12-09/14/20238:30am-12:00pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce08/15-08/16/20239:00am-4:00pmTumwater DCYF
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce06/05-06/07/20239:00am-3:30pmSpokane Central DCYF
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce05/30-06/01/20238:30am-12:00pmRegion 6 Training Hub
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce02/09-10/20239:00am-4:00pmEverett DCYF
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce11/29-30/20229:00am-3:30pmWebinar
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce11/22-23/20229:00am-4:00pmRegion 4 Training Hub
Identifying and Supporting Commercially Sexually Exploited Children for Workforce11/22-23/20229:00am-4:00pmRegion 1 Training Hub