I-LABS Module 10 – Language Development: From Listening to Speaking (eLearning)


All children deserve the best start in life and new scientific discoveries deepen our understanding of how to create the best environments for children. The team at I-LABS creates new and effective ways to bridge the gap between the science and the practice of learning by disseminating the latest science of child development. Our team shares the latest scientific discoveries in relevant and actionable ways with those who can best put it into practice: early learning professionals, parents, and policymakers. Partners use cutting-edge research to create evidence-based policies, practices, and programs that grow the next generation of lifelong learners.

This 25-minute Online module covers the following points:

  • Babies begin making vowel-like sounds soon after birth. They soon add consonant sounds. Then they transition to syllables, words, and finally sentences. This pattern is similar across different cultures and languages.
  • Children use different strategies to learn words and word combinations. During the process of learning, they sometimes make errors in word or sentence use. As they hear more language, their use of words and sentences becomes more adult-like.
  • Language learning begins at birth! Those children who hear more language and experience more high quality interactions tend to produce more words and longer sentences.

Target Audience


Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 0.42 Participation
    Participants should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Course opens: 
Course expires: 


No Social Work CEUs, STARS credits, or other professional continuing education credits are currently available for this course.

Available Credit

  • 0.42 Participation
    Participants should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

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