Child Abuse Interviewing and Assessment (CAIA) Refresher

This training is an online refresher class for WA State law enforcement, CPS, prosecutors and child interviewers who have previously attended the four-day Child Abuse Interviewing and Assessment courses (CAIA).
The class will review and reinforce research-based best practices in child forensic interviewing and discuss recent modifications to best practices in child forensic interviewing.
Note: This is a follow-up class to CJTC course #5358 and does NOT fully satisfy the RCW 43.101.234 and RCW 74.14B.010 requirements for specialized child interview training for those who investigate child sexual abuse cases
This class is open to WA State law enforcement, CPS, prosecutors and child interviewers who meet the prerequisites.

Target Audience

Area Administrators
DCYF Social Workers (case carrying)
DCYF Supervisors (case carrying)
Program Managers
Tribal Workers

Learning Objectives

The class will review and reinforce research-based best practices in child forensic interviewing and discuss recent modifications to best practices in child forensic interviewing.

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 8.00 Participation
    Participants should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Available Credit

  • 8.00 Participation
    Participants should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Please login or register to take this course.

To register for this class in the Washington State Learning Center, please click on the name of the class you want to register for in the table below. This will connect you to the Learning Center. If you do not see the class you wish to register for there, the class is full or enrollment has been closed for another reason. If you wish to take this class, but do not have an account in the Washington State Learning Center, you may request enrollment by filling out an External Registration Request.

DCYF Alliance Child Abuse Interviewing and Assessment (CAIA) Refresher