LGBTQIA+ Youth: Guiding the Work for Licensing Staff

This course builds on knowledge-based learning objectives and related information presented in the pre-requisite LGBTQIA+ Basics for Supporting Youth eLearning for general audiences.  You must first complete that course before registering for this one.
In this course, licensing staff will learn to center the lived experiences of LGBTQIA+ youth in conversations with licensed providers, both in childcare and out-of-home care systems.
You will have the opportunity to look at your own assumptions, biases, and reactions related to LGBTQIA+ youth, as an opportunity to build your confidence in guiding providers through similar processes to prepare them to better serve these youth.
You will practice skills for self-awareness, self-regulation, challenging conversations, and documentation.

Target Audience

CPA Staff
DCYF Licensing Supervisors (case carrying)
DCYF Licensing Supervisors (not case carrying)
DCYF Social Workers (case carrying)
DCYF Social Workers (not case carrying)
Tribal Workers

Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Please login or register to take this course.
Please login or register to take this course.
Please login or register to take this course.
Please login or register to take this course.
Please login or register to take this course.

You have the option to register for the class on either of these two platforms, Washington State Learning Center or Alliance. All offerings of this course are open to both DCYF Licensing Division staff and licensing staff from external entities such as child placing agencies and Tribes. If you work for DCYF and have a Learning Center account, please click the links in the first table to register there. If you do not have a Washington State Learning Center account, please use the links in the second table to register.


Washington State Learning Center please click DCYF Alliance for the class you want to register for in the Learning Center

Washington State Learning Center TitleDateTimeLocation
DCYF Alliance LGBTQIA+ Youth: Guiding the Work for Licensing Staff06/17-18/251pm-4pmWebinar
DCYF Alliance LGBTQIA+ Youth: Guiding the Work for Licensing Staff04/24-25/259am-12pmWebinar
DCYF Alliance LGBTQIA+ Youth: Guiding the Work for Licensing Staff02/11-12/259am-12pmWebinar
DCYF Alliance LGBTQIA+ Youth: Guiding the Work for Licensing Staff12/05-06/249am-12pmCANCELED
DCYF Alliance LGBTQIA+ Youth: Guiding the Work for Licensing Staff11/05-06/241pm-4pmWebinar
DCYF Alliance LGBTQIA+ Youth: Guiding the Work for Licensing Staff09/24/249am-4pmCANCELED
DCYF Alliance LGBTQIA+ Youth: Guiding the Work for Licensing Staff 05/29-30/249am-12pm    Webinar
DCYF Alliance LGBTQIA+ Youth: Guiding the Work for Licensing Staff06/26/249am-4pmTumwater DCYF


Alliance select the class you want to register for in the Alliance. If you wish to take this class, but do not have an account, you may request enrollment by filling out an External Registration Request.