Child Protective Services In-Service


This three day in-service will describe the two different CPS pathways, Family Assessment Response (FAR) and Investigations. This training includes learning modules on: Interviewing members of a household to assess safety, including children, parents and Subjects; Collateral information gathering; Protocols when working with Law Enforcement (LE); Working with Child Protection Medical Consultant Network (MEDCON) and local medical providers; Utilizing the Child Safety Framework; completing the Investigative Assessment (IA) & the Family Assessment Response Family Assessment (FARFA); Following Indian Child Welfare Act policies (ICWA); and other policy & legal requirements. Also covered in this in service training will be requirements for reasonable efforts to prevent placement, addressing Domestic Violence, CSEC, Infant Child Safety; and more. Participants will be asked to review several examples of CPS intakes and the information in the course will be presented through using these case examples. On the last day, there will be a panel made up of Children’s Administration Investigative and FAR staff and a Parent Ally. This course is required for all first year CPS Case Workers as well as caseworkers and supervisors transferring to a CPS position who have not attended the CPS track within the past two years.

Target Audience

Operations Manual policy 8323 and WAC 357-34-055

This CPS training is for CPS caseworkers who are working in the CPS program and have at least 3 months post RCT.

This course is mandated for supervisors who have recently transferred into the CPS program, Investigations or FAR, from a non-CPS program.

Priority for this CPS In-Service training series will be given to those who have completed Regional Core Training within 3-6 months and are working in CPS (FAR or Investigation); those who are within their first year working in the CPS programs; and for those who have recently transferred from other DCYF programs to the CPS program, which includes Supervisors.

Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 18.00 Participation
    Participants should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Course opens: 
Course expires: 


Available Credit

  • 18.00 Participation
    Participants should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Register/Take course

Please login or register to take this course.

To register for this class in the Washington State Learning Center, please click on the name of the class you want to register for in the table below. This will connect you to the Learning Center. If you do not see the class you wish to register for there, the class is full or enrollment has been closed for another reason. If you wish to take this class, but do not have an account in the Washington State Learning Center, you may request enrollment by filling out an External Registration Request.

Child Protective Services In-Service06/10/25 - 06/12/259:00am-4:00pmWebinar
Child Protective Services In-Service04/08/25 - 04/10/259:00am-4:00pmWebinar
Child Protective Services In-Service03/18/25 - 03/20/258:30am-4:30pmWebinar
Child Protective Services In-Service02/11/25 - 02/13/259am-4pmWebinar
Child Protective Services In-Service12/09/24 - 12/11/249:00am-4:00pmCANCELED
Child Protective Services In-Service11/05/24 - 11/07/249am-4pmRegion 1 (Spokane)
Child Protective Services In-Service10/21/24 - 10/23/249am-4pmRegion 6 (Tumwater)
Child Protective Services In-Service09/17/24 - 09/19/249am-4pmWebinar
Child Protective Services In-Service07/29/24 - 08/12/24 9am-4pmWebinar
Child Protective Services In-Service06/12/24 - 06/14/249am - 4pmTumwater DCYF
Child Protective Services In-Service06/05/24 - 06/18/249am - 4pmWebinar
Child Protective Services In-Service05/15/24 - 05/17/249am - 4pmWebinar
Child Protective Services In-Service04/08/24 - 04/10/249am - 4pmRegion 4 (Delridge)