Event date
- Suicide Prevention
People from all cultural groups will be affected by suicide, non-fatal suicidal behavior, and suicidal ideation, often in significantly different ways. Theoretical frameworks and practice recommendations to address these outcomes continue to emerge and evolve. To promote hope and recovery for everyone, this course applies a framework for cultural competency training to suicide care with diverse populations. This course discusses a model for how culture influences suicide risk and suggests the use of clinical tools for culturally informed assessment and management of suicide risk.
- Area Administrators
- Caregivers
- Kinship Caregivers
- Program Managers
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- Spanish
- 0.75 Participation
En aproximadamente 2 meses, un nuevo Reportero Obligatorio (eLearning) será disponible. Sin embargo, esta versión continúa conteniendo información importante. Por favor regrese a la página para ver la nueva información.
- Caregivers
- Social Worker
- 0.75 Participation
This eLearning course provides a foundational understanding of Chronic Neglect, a complex yet common issue within the realm of child welfare. Chronic Neglect refers to ongoing failure by caregivers to provide for the basic needs of individuals under their care, such as food, shelter, clothing, medical care and supervision, leading to serious physical, emotional and developmental harm.
- Area Administrators
- Program Managers
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- 1.00 Participation
You will learn how to write a strength-based, trauma-informed, culturally responsive and LGBTQIA+ affirming Child Information and Placement Referral (CIPR, CHIPR or 15-300). Understanding how the Child Information and Placement Referral (15-300) impacts child and youth placements is a primary focus.
- Area Administrators
- Program Managers
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- 0.50 Participation
This eLearning is the second part of a two-part introduction to service referrals. Building upon the foundational concepts introduced in Part 1, this course revisits the basic workflow for initiating an In-Home or Reunification service referral in the FamLink case management system, augmented by a practical case scenario.
- Social Worker
- 0.50 Participation
This eLearning is not intended as a standalone course; it is part of Workforce Core. This eLearning will orient participants to some of the worker safety threats that may occur in the child welfare context, including assaults, animal attacks, and environmental dangers.
- 0.25 Participation
This course provides information on the service contract process and the role of Social Workers, Fiduciaries, Program Managers, and Contract Managers. Participants will learn how to identify what types of services do and do not require contracts, how to determine if a contract is already in place, how to access contracted providers appropriately, how CA Contract Managers develop contracts and the Social Worker’s role in the process, as well as the process for paying for contracted services through FamLink.
- Caregivers
- 1.50 Participation
Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) Safety Training is a mandatory training for all potential foster parents and respite providers in the State of Washington. This training will help you understand the risk anticipated by contact with blood and other potentially infectious materials as the result of caring for children. This class contains bloodborne pathogens training that is specific to non-healthcare related homes and workplaces. Upon completing this training, participants will be able to: Summarize the characteristics of pathogens and the primary functions of our immune system.
- Social Worker
- English
The Intake In-Service course, which will support new staff working at Intake to gain the knowledge and skills they need to be effective in gathering and documenting information and in screening intakes. The course is divided into three modules which occur at different times during the employee’s first six months at Intake.
- Area Administrators
- Caregivers
- Program Managers
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- English
- 1.50 Participation
Mandatory Reporters play a vital role in safeguarding vulnerable children when they believe abuse or neglect is occurring. This is done through reporting to the Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) Intake, or by supporting families with community referrals when they have identified risk factors present that could contribute to the potential of abuse or neglect.