Caregiver Coaching for the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
Support sessions are utilized to address a caregiver’s specific needs and build specific skills. Identified goals are created and progress toward those goals is measured by both the learner and the coach after the session. Prior to scheduling a support session, caregivers need to complete the class “Parenting a Native American Child: Partnering in the Interest of Culture for Caregivers (eLearning).” This session provides in-depth support around specific topics identified by the caregiver as needed. The topics for this session may include:
1. Understanding ICWA, regulations, and expectations state staff must follow;
2. What is most important for caregivers to know (jurisdiction, Tribes’ voice in cases, connection for the child, etc.);
3. Placement preference;
4. Active Efforts;
5. QEW (Qualified Expert Witness);
6. LICWAC (Local Indian Child Welfare Advisory Committee); and
7. Permanency.
Available Credit
- 3.00 ParticipationParticipants should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
To register for a session, please email our Statewide Caregiver Lead, Stephanie Rodrigues, at [email protected].