Becoming a Qualified Expert Witnesses in Support of ICWA

This training will help you understand how to be a QEWs to testify in Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) cases. When considering removal of an Indian child from their home, various perspectives are reviewed, including those of Qualified Expert Witnesses (QEWs).A QEW is a professional qualified to testify regarding whether the child’s continued custody by the parent or Indian custodian is likely to result in serious emotional or physical damage to the child. QEWs provide testimony in ICWA cases and have substantial knowledge of the prevailing social and cultural standards and child rearing practices within a Tribal or Indian community. QEW court testimony is required upon removal of an Indian child from their home to prevent placement, and a QEW also provides testimony about whether active efforts were made toward reunification of child(ren) to their parent(s) or custodian.  This course begins with guiding you through developing an understanding of the historic relationship between Indian children and the United States child welfare policy, which led to ICWA. You will learn how ICWA protects Indian children, and how active efforts are intended to keep an Indian child with their family.

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