Kinship Core Training |
Keys to a Successful Termination Referral (eLearning) |
Key Issues in Child Welfare Substance Use Disorders (eLearning) |
Key Issues in Child Welfare Mental Health (eLearning) |
Invitation to Aggression Replacement Training |
Introduction to the Investigative Process for Caregivers |
Introduction to The Family First Prevention Services Act (eLearning) |
Introduction to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) |
Introduction to Chronic Neglect (eLearning) |
Introduction to Case Planning and the Structured Decision Making Risk Assessment (eLearning) |
Interviewing Parents for CPS (eLearning) |
Interviewing Parents for CFWS and FVS (eLearning) |
Interstate Placements: Fundamentals and Your Role (eLearning) |
Intake (eLearning) |
Informed Decisions Through Critical Thinking |