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- CaregiversSee more
- 3.00 Participation
This 3 hour eLearning provides Caregivers with an introduction to the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), tribal sovereignty and the impacts on foster parenting. The Indian Child Welfare Act obliges child welfare agencies and caregivers to take certain steps to protect and preserve the rights and cultural and familial connections of children covered by the act.
- Social Worker
NOTE: Afterhours Core Training has four modules. You will register separately for each part of the module but you MUST complete each session within the module in order. For example, if you have not completed 1.1 you will not be allowed to participate in 1.2. However, you can complete module 2.1 before modules 1.2 or 1.3.
- Social Wor...See more
Staff who have completed the Introduction and Advanced Motivational Interviewing courses will be provided field support through MICA coding/coaching sessions to enhance MI skills directly in their work with families. MICA coding and coaching sessions assist learners with utilizing specific MI skills and to ensure model fidelity in these three identified areas:ReflectionChange TalkIntention
- CaregiversSee more
Each of these 1-hour culturally focused sessions help caregivers of Native American children incorporate indigenous cultural elements into your home for the benefit of the child. Led by the Alliance CaRES Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Specialist, these sessions will introduce the historical foundation of specific activities and why they are important in Native American culture. You will be introduced to embedded cultural aspects particular to Washington State Tribes, including appropriate attire and behavior during events and activities in the community.
- CaregiversSee more
- 8.00 Participation
Join us for another TBRI book club! “The Connected Parent” by Karyn Purvis and Lisa Qualls. Discussion will review TBRI principles and dive into practical parenting applications and real life strategies for understanding attachment, teaching respect, understanding sensory needs, adapting strategies for teens, and taking care of yourself.
- CaregiversSee more
Holidays and celebrations can be a time of family togetherness, but they can also be a time of stress and heightened expectations. It takes intentional planning to give the children in your care a wonderful experience that includes the things that make the holiday or celebration special for everyone.
- Supervisors
- 0.00 Participation
As part of SCT, Supervisors will learn how to apply the Learner Centered Coaching Model in their day to day supervision with staff. The use of coaching by supervisors supports reflective supervision and increases critical thinking skills. Supervisors will engage in a final coaching session with an Alliance Coach in Month 6 of SCT. Coaching sessions can occur in 30-minute increments and are learner driven. Once the coaching session is completed, the Coach will indicate in The Learning Center that the Supervisor has officially completed SCT.
- Caregivers
This 3-hour training is designed to provide an understanding of Family Time. As caregivers, you play an important role in supporting children, siblings and families in maintaining their connections. Family Time will be developed to give parents and children quality time, in the least restrictive setting, so their family bonds and connections will be preserved while temporarily not being able to live together. You will learn what will be included in Family Time plans and the reasoning around supervision levels.
- Kinship Ca...See more
- 12.00 Participation
KCT está diseñado para ayudar a los parientes cuidadores a desarrollar las habilidades que necesitan para cuidar a los niños que han pasado por un trauma complejo. KCT está diseñado a cumplir con los requisitos de capacitación para aquellos parientes que buscan obtener una licencia.
- Caregivers
This 3-hour focused topic training for caregivers will focus on how children exposed to prenatal substance abuse in their life have an increased chance of experiencing many effects, such as poor social, cognitive, and emotional development, physical, mental, and health issues, depression, anxiety, concentration and learning difficulties, trouble controlling their responses as well as other traumatic issues. The goal of this training is to identify and address the impacts Prenatal drug use has on children and set up a successful environment and coping skills.