Event date
- Social Worker
- English
- 0.50 Participation
This course is designed to teach social workers how to identify the service needs of families when trying to prevent out-of-home placement or to support reunification. Working through scenarios social workers actively engage in the decision-making process for appropriate services. Workers will learn the fundamentals of the referral process, engagement with providers and families as well as documentation.
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- English
- 0.50 Participation
This training will teach the participant the steps to initiate and monitor efforts completed by the Relative Search unit. When a child is in need of out of home care, the Department should be actively seeking placement of children with relatives. The centralized Relative Search unit assists staff to locate and identify relatives and this training will help staff learn about the process, required forms and how to gather detailed information from FamLink.
- Caregivers
- English
- 0.50 Participation
When a child is in need of out-of-home care, the Department should be actively seeking placement of children with relatives. The goal of this training is to help Caregivers understand the process as it impacts placements and long-term permanency.
- Caregivers
- Social Worker
- English
- 0.75 Participation
This elearning on Prudent Parenting is for both Caregivers and Social Workers. This training discusses the parenting decisions that fall to the Caregiver according to the Prudent Parent Law, provides a few additional considerations when making prudent parenting decisions for children in care, and presents several scenarios that address frequently asked questions related to the Prudent Parent Law.
- Caregivers
- Kinship Caregivers
- English
- 2.50 Participation
If it’s been a while since you cared for an infant or if you’ve never cared for one before, this is the course for you. This 2.5-hour eLearning provides the basic information you’ll need to care for babies ages birth to 12 months and keep them safe. You will practice identifying the infant behaviors that are the clue to understanding your baby’s needs. You will then apply this knowledge with some of the fundamental tasks of infant care (holding, feeding, diapering, sleep and medical care) while considering how trauma may impact how you provide care in these areas.
- 0.50 Participation
In this course you will learn about the requirements of the Interstate Compact and Placement of Children (ICPC), including both sending children in foster care to other States, and receiving children in foster care from other States. In addition, you will learn how ICPC applies to ICWA cases. Your role and responsibilities from beginning to end are covered including the home study process, completing quarterly reports, and closing cases. Details about common violations, parent visits, and how to contact the headquarters ICPC team for support and guidance are provided.
- 1.00 Participation
In this eLearning participants will review the stages of an adult CPS interview and the information they need to gather in each stage; read a case summary; and view an interview with the parents related to the case
- Social Worker
- English
- 1.00 Participation
This eLearning covers two main components of service provision in CPS and FVS: the Structured Decision Making Risk Assessment (SDMRA) and the Case Plan. Participants will use a realistic scenario to walk through the SDMRA and a resulting case plan. Participants will learn how to target resources towards those who can benefit most using the SDMRA and then how to develop and monitor an effective case plan that moves the family toward change.
- 1.00 Participation
This training helps social workers understand the legal requirements that must be met in order for a court to terminate a parents’ rights to their children. Social workers also learn to separate myths from facts in the area of termination and regarding their role in preparing and submitting a termination referral to their local Assistant Attorney General or other legal representative. A score of 80% is required to complete this course.
- 0.50 Participation
This eLearning covers the correct way to administer, log, store, and dispose of medications. In addition, this eLearning will provide information/protocol to revise agency policies and procedures with current information and best practice.