Event date
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
Without memories, how do you understand who you are? These slices of life are tied to emotions, learning and growth, and help us maintain connections to our personal history and life story. Often we use tools like photographs or stories or memorabilia to recall feelings or look back on events. The new training “Honoring Their History: Memory Preservation for Children in Care” focuses on how to support a child’s well-being through the recording of memories and other parts of their life during their time away from their family.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • 3.00 Participation
Coaching sessions are utilized to address a caregiver's specific needs and build specific skills. Identified goals are created and progress towards those goals is measured by both the learner and the coach after the session. This Coaching Session provides in-depth support around specific topics identified by the caregiver as needed. The topics covered may include a Positive Discipline response to any behavior identified in the Positive Discipline A-Z index.
  • Caregivers
  • English
Going through an investigation can be scary. Understanding the process, knowing your rights, and being informed about the laws and process can make it a lot easier. This course provides licensed and unlicensed caregivers a deep look at the Licensing Division (LD) Child Protective Services (CPS) and Licensing Investigation (LD) processes, starting with Intake, through the investigation, and concluding with the report and the potential for appeals.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
This 6 hour focused topic training for caregivers teaches what drives aggressive behavior and develops skills required to give youth a chance for success. Caregivers will learn skills to teach the children in their care increased moral reasoning, how to replace antisocial behaviors with positive alternatives, and how to respond to anger in a nonaggressive manner.
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
The financial, legal, and emotional issues of raising a relative’s child can be challenging. Services and support when raising a relative’s child can be a lifesaver. Kinship caregiving in all of its forms is becoming increasingly common. Recent WA State child welfare data (Partners for Our Children-1/1/2015) show that 41 percent of children in out of home care are living with a relative. Many more children are living with relatives or other close family friends informally, without the ongoing supervision of the state’s foster care system.
  • Caregivers
  • English
To remember an idea, you might write it down. At an event, you might take a picture. As a caregiver, you are the custodian of the milestones and memories of a child’s life for the whole welfare team, so understanding how and why to document elements of that is crucial. This 1.5-hour in-service training will cover best practices for documentation to prepare and support you and others involved in the child’s life, with the ultimate goal of sharing information, concerns and progress.
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
You made the choice to step in and provide care for a child when they needed it. This choice changed your life, the life of the child or children you are caring for, and potentially many other family members. This course explores how to navigate changing relationships between adults as well as the feelings and behaviors of the children. You’ll spend time in class focusing on yourself, too, looking at how you can cope and care for yourself through the inevitable ups and downs.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
Recent research has shown that children have very complex understandings of differences and how they make meaning of stereotypes. Far from being color-blind, most children are aware of how their own skin color is an advantage or disadvantage. They also judge their peers based on these differences¬—even though many adults believe young children in today’s generation don’t stereotype. Because of this, it is important to give children anti-bias messages, through actions and words that actively counter what they are internalizing and witnessing in the world.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
This 6-hour focused topic training for caregivers provides a foundation for understanding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The training develops caregivers’ understanding of the diagnosis (especially in those under 6 years of age) as well as covering Developmental Trauma Disorder for complex trauma events often experienced by youth in alternative care situations. Dissociation and hyper arousal behavior patterns are explored as protective responses to challenges in the environment and methods to reduce the impacts discussed.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
Lying is a complex, layered behavior that involves both the person telling the lie and the perception of the person receiving it, as well as each person’s history and development. Surprised it’s not so black and white? This training will take you through understanding what lying is, why it happens and how to support the truth. “Why Children Lie” addresses lying on several levels. You will look at your own attitude about lying and how your values and beliefs affect that perception.
