Event date
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 1.50 Participation
Facilitated Cohort Learning Sessions To Support ICWA Practice provides former cohorts from RCT and SCT classes that are working on Indian Child Welfare cases to expand their knowledge beyond core training curriculum and gain application within live cases. Topics of the sessions are identified by the cohort members and learning activities are organized and facilitated by Alliance staff. These sessions will review current WA State ICWA practices while providing opportunities to apply critical thinking to the overall complexities of child welfare work.
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
Staff who have completed the Introduction and Advanced Motivational Interviewing courses will be provided field support through MICA coding/coaching sessions to enhance MI skills directly in their work with families. MICA coding and coaching sessions assist learners with utilizing specific MI skills and to ensure model fidelity in these three identified areas:ReflectionChange TalkIntention
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 2.00 Participation
These sessions provide participants of the Domestic Violence in Child Welfare in-service training an opportunity to expand their knowledge and work within live cases. Topics of the sessions are identified by the cohort members and learning activities are organized and facilitated by Alliance staff. These sessions will rely on the policy and best practices in "The Social Worker’s Practice Guide to Domestic Violence" for child welfare work with families experiencing domestic violence.
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
The most frequent allegation of child maltreatment is neglect.  Some families are referred to the department numerous times with little change in family functioning.  In this course, participants will learn how to assess for chronic neglect, its effects on children and appropriate interventions.
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 3.00 Participation
These two-hour sessions will provide you with the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the importance of co-creating culturally relevant case plans with families, service matching and applying the child safety framework/risk assessments to develop behavioral case plans.
  • Area Administrators
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
This 3-hour course will help Children’s Administration social workers and supervisors who do ongoing work in the child welfare system with identification of and responses to secondary trauma. The training will increase knowledge and understanding of the levels of secondary trauma, its impact, and how to manage the impact in our environment.
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
This discussion will prepare CPS FAR and CPS FVS caseworkers who wish to expand their practice in developing case plans with parents/caregivers, children, Tribal representatives, and other family identified supports. Participants will learn how to make the most of meeting with families in building a working relationship geared toward reducing or eliminating safety threats and increasing the parent or caregiver’s protective capacities to ensure child safety, well-being, and permanency.
  • Area Administrators
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 14.00 Participation
The RIGHT RESPONSE Workshop is primarily prevention training. The Advanced Level 4 training is a full 14-hour certification which provides the skills of Prevention, De-escalation, Postvention and Physical Interventions, including Escorts and Therapeutic Holds. Attendees learn to use physical intervention as the last resort to maintaining safety and learn more proactive alternatives which can prevent dangerous incidents and increase safety.Attendees that complete the workshop receive a 1 year certification and recertification training will be offered annually.
  • Area Administrators
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
Participants will be engaged to consider their own thoughts, beliefs, and biases about mental illness; understand basic definitions associated with parental mental illness and child safety; and identify family assessment strategies that can focus on the intersection between parental mental illness and child safety. Additionally, ideas and tools for drafting effective case plans and objectives to achieve child safety with parental mental illness is a factor will also be discussed.
  • Program Managers
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 6.00 Participation
Through a series of interventions and strategies, you will learn how to interrupt unconscious bias and address subtle acts of exclusion. You will develop behaviors that reflect Cultural Competence; engage in discussions about the negative effects of stereotypes, microaggressions, and bias on effective case work; and practice courageous conversations to develop appropriate responses to these issues.
