Event date
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 3.00 Participation
Assessing for present danger/impending danger; applying the Child Safety Framework; understanding the 17 safety threats and how to plan for present danger with protective action plans and safety plans in cases with identified impending danger; how to make appropriate collateral contacts; interviewing of children, parents/caregivers and all adults in the home; using medical consultation (Med-Cons); scheduling and preparing for appropriate case staffings; using Structured Decision Making (SDM) to help assess risk in cases and reassessing child safety throughout the life of the case.
  • Area Administrators
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 3.00 Participation
Coaching sessions are an opportunity for participants to receive training and support on critical topics that is flexible enough to respond to their current needs. Coaching sessions can involve one or several workers, and may be delivered in person, on the phone or by other real time collaboration (face-time, etc). Preferably, they allow material to be understood within a context of an actual case, and completion of current work.
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 3.00 Participation
Permanency timelines; permanency from day one; engaging with families to co-create case plans; setting safety objectives; measuring progress versus compliance in cases; transition planning for children; knowing when to file for Termination of Parental Rights (TPR); understanding the court process and when to change permanency plans; understanding the adoption process; understanding parent/child visitation plans (supervised, monitored, etc.); understanding reasonable efforts versus active efforts for ICWA cases.
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 1.50 Participation
Participants learn the characteristics associated with youth who are at risk for running away, and key strategies to reduce the likelihood of running behavior.  Policy and procedural requirements are presented.  The components of a Run Prevention Plan are covered, as well as the fundamentals of conducting a debriefing meeting to assess the youth's immediate needs upon their return.
  • Area Administrators
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 1.50 Participation
In this eLearning you will learn about the spectrum of Deaf, deaf and hard of hearing culture and how people’s culture and identity impacts their communication.  In addition, you will learn about assistive communication technology and how to access these devices, setting up an environment that is conducive to communication with the deaf or hard of hearing person. You will explore ways to engage with an interpreter to support positive and productive communication when a person’s primary language is sign language.
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 0.50 Participation
This training will teach the participant the steps to initiate and monitor efforts completed by the Relative Search unit. When a child is in need of out of home care, the Department should be actively seeking placement of children with relatives. The centralized Relative Search unit assists staff to locate and identify relatives and this training will help staff learn about the process, required forms and how to gather detailed information from FamLink.
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 2.00 Participation
This course focuses on the successful transition of pregnant and parenting youth involved with child welfare, and covers specific case management activities. You will learn about your role and responsibilities to provide information to pregnant and parenting youth, including the Pregnant and Parenting Teen Guidebook and tip sheets (DSHS #22-1536), and utilizing a Shared Planning Meeting to identify services and community resources.
  • Area Administrators
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 0.75 Participation
Drug testing practices and their use in child welfare assessment of safety and risk is covered in this course. Participants learn the guidelines for the frequency and duration of testing, practices at drug collection sites, detection of adulterated samples and interpreting drug test results. Participants will know what to test and how to include this in the assessments of parents involved in the child welfare system, focusing on the behavior of parents, and knowing what a drug test can tell us is emphasized.
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 0.50 Participation
This course focuses on DCYF Education Policy and Procedures to achieve positive educational outcomes through solid education planning throughout the child's experience in out-of-home care. Caseworkers will understand education case planning and documentation requirements as well as how to engage with schools on enrollment, transportation plans, and potential cost sharing agreements. Information sharing processes and Post-Secondary Education and Training resources are also provided.
  • Social Worker
  • Supervisors
  • English
  • 1.50 Participation
Facilitated Cohort Learning Sessions To Support ICWA Practice provides former cohorts from RCT and SCT classes that are working on Indian Child Welfare cases to expand their knowledge beyond core training curriculum and gain application within live cases. Topics of the sessions are identified by the cohort members and learning activities are organized and facilitated by Alliance staff. These sessions will review current WA State ICWA practices while providing opportunities to apply critical thinking to the overall complexities of child welfare work.
