Event date
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • Support Groups
  • 2.00 Participation
As a new caregiver, the very best thing you can do for those who depend on you is to take care of yourself. This group will engage in conversations around how to make sure you see how valuable your contribution is, as well as also how demanding it can be. You can talk about challenges you’re facing when thinking about self-care, because real life does sometimes make it hard to prioritize. You’ll work toward developing an action plan that takes into account your unique circumstances and proactively addresses things that might derail your self-supporting activities.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • Support Groups
Join us for a Book Club! The CaRES team leads you through a reading and discussion of “Trying Differently Rather Than Harder: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders” by Diane Malbin. “Trying Different Rather Than Harder” is a readable, narrative discussion of the neurobehavioral approach to working with children and youth with FASD. The book focuses on understanding behaviors differently through case studies and examples of how FASD impacts everyday life.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
The "Parenting Teens" series comprises seven parts for prospective and current foster, adoptive, kinship and guardian parents who are or will be raising older children from foster care who have moderate to severe emotional and behavioral challenges.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • Support Groups
Join us for Book Club! The CaRES team leads you through a reading and discussion of “Dancing with a Porcupine” by Jennie Owens.“Dancing with a Porcupine” shares the compelling story of the author’s struggle to save her own life while caring for three children she and her husband adopted from foster care.In the three sessions, you will discuss themes including: self-care; trauma-informed care; expectations and hurt feelings; compassion fatigue; and balancing real life with the outside pressure to look like you are doing it all well.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • Support Groups
This facilitated discussion group is a continuation of the seven-part “Parenting Teens” webinar. This group will continue to explore strategies for parenting teens with a history of trauma, developing healthy and supportive relationships with your teen, nurturing their identity, and understanding their challenging behaviors. You’ll work with other parents of teens to develop an action plan that takes into account your and your teen’s unique circumstances and proactively addresses the challenges you face. 
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • Support Groups
  • 8.00 Participation
Join us for another TBRI book club! “The Connected Parent” by Karyn Purvis and Lisa Qualls. Discussion will review TBRI principles and dive into practical parenting applications and real life strategies for understanding attachment, teaching respect, understanding sensory needs, adapting strategies for teens, and taking care of yourself.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • Support Groups
  • 2.00 Participation
Welcoming a child into your home, even temporarily, means accepting and affirming their whole selves. When a child has a different racial, ethnic, or cultural background than yours, it can be challenging to know the best ways to properly care for their unique physical, spiritual, and cultural needs.  
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
 The Inherent Strengths in Kinship Families is a training series developed by Dr. Joseph Crumbley for kinship caregivers. The series takes a strength-based perspective in outlining different topics that are unique to kinship families and providing strategies for caregivers.
  • Area Administrators
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • Program Managers
  • Supervisors
CaRES is offering special one-time events with local experts who will share the most up-to-date information, resources and support on topics relevant to caregiving. Foster and kinship caregivers can expand their understanding of these special topics, learn the latest approaches, and build strategies that support the related needs of the children in their homes.  Participants who attend will receive credit for 2 training hours per session.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • Support Groups
Wellness Resource Wednesday is a bi-monthly 1.5-hour health-centered discussion that includes information from a professional in the field of caregiver skills; caregiver support and information; child development; health and well-being; education; and parenting.
