Event date
- 3.00 Participation
Coaching sessions are utilized to enhance a learner’s specific skill attainment in an identified area of practice. Coaching sessions are provided to Children’s Administration workforce to help workers attain specific skills pertinent to their daily work/practice in child welfare. Identified goals are created and progress towards those goals is measured by both the learner and the coach after each session.
- 3.00 Participation
Coaching for Area Administrators provides one-on-one skill building sessions using the Learner Centered Coaching Model. Coaching provides essential professional development opportunities to support the daily work that AA’s do to with Supervisors in their units. Sessions can be scheduled in 30 minute intervals and can cover: Integration of the Quality Matters Engagement Series, Use of the Learner Centered Coaching Model, Skill building opportunities for integration of Coaching into their daily work, Observation and feedback on skills used to engage with staff.
- 3.00 Participation
Coaching sessions are utilized to enhance a learner’s specific skill attainment in an identified area of practice.
- 1.00 Participation
Coaching is an important piece of ongoing professional growth, presenting opportunities for personalized skill development and self-assessment. As a supervisor, this takes on added significance as the learnings are applicable to both you and your staff. “Supervisor Reflective Workshops” give you the chance to discuss with your peers coaching successes and barriers, helping you grow and improve.
- Caregivers
- English
- 2.50 Participation
For many children in foster care, the path up to, including and even after adoption can include trauma, grief and loss. As a potential adoptive parent, it’s crucial that you understand the story a foster child is bringing to you and what part you can play in that.
- Caregivers
- Kinship Caregivers
- English
- 6.00 Participation
Discover what compassion really is, how it starts by being compassionate with ourselves and see the positive results with our families and others.You’ll hear about and learn the roadblocks, hurdles and challenges that often prevent this kind of parenting and discover ways to move through them so you, and your children, win!Topics include:
- 6.00 Participation
The goals of this workshop include: Developing skills to manage children with behavioral challenges in a non-violent crisis intervention manner;Skill building for empathetic listening;Identifying children’s needs and creative strategies to help children manage their emotions in difficult situations.
- Caregivers
- Kinship Caregivers
- English
- 0.75 Participation
This short eLearning will answer your questions about how and why adoption support services are offered, what adoption support services exist, and how to access them.
- Social Worker
- English
- 0.50 Participation
This short eLearning will orient participants to the four means by which this legal authority to place a child may be granted: Law enforcement protective custody, hospital holds, court order, and a voluntary placement agreed to by the child’s legal parents. Legal, policy and practice consideration for each, as well as subsequent placement requirements are reviewed. In addition, the legal and policy preference for placing children with safe, suitable relatives is reviewed.
- Caregivers
- English
- 0.50 Participation
Did you know more than half of children’s car seats are installed incorrectly? The car is a dangerous place for a child to be, but there are many resources that can help ensure you’re following all safety and legal guidelines. This brief eLearning is the perfect spot to start, helping you select, fit and install the correct seat each time you need to transport a child. You will find an overview of basic requirements and Washington state laws as well as real-world installation examples and tips.