Event date
- Social Worker
- English
This eLearning is not intended as a standalone course; it is part of Workforce Core training.
- Caregivers
- English
- Support Groups
As a caregiver, the very best thing you can do for those who depend on you is to take care of yourself. This group is an extension of the topic support group “Self Care for Caregivers.” In this group, you will engage in conversations around how to make sure you see how setting and keeping healthy boundaries allows you to continue doing the valuable work you do while protecting your important relationships. You can talk about challenges you’re facing when thinking about boundaries, because real life sometimes makes it hard to say no or hold to your priorities.
- Social Worker
- English
- 3.50 Participation
This 4-part eLearning series provides an interactive, deeper dive, into the roles and responsibilities of the major programs within DCYF; CPS Investigations and CPS Family Assessment Response, Family Voluntary Services, and Child and Family Welfare Services. Participants will have an opportunity to review the flow of a case and better understand the structure of DCYF offices and the roles of those who work around them. Finally, participants will walk through the basic parts of their job as CPS, FVS, or CFWS workers, including which policies and laws often guide their choices.
- Social Worker
- English
- 0.50 Participation
This eLearning is Part 1 of a two-part introduction to service referrals. This course offers step-by-step guidance on utilizing the Service Referral tool in the FamLink case management system, specifically focusing on In-Home or Reunification service types. Participants will navigate through the basic workflow, covering the process of creating, completing, and submitting a referral for approval, and ultimately service delivery.
- Area Administrators
- 6.00 Participation
This one-day in-person conference will help you build leadership skills, address challenges, and offer inspiration on how to continue to support yourself and others.
- 12.00 Participation
This two-day, in-person event will help administrative and other support staff build technical and program skills as well as help connect them back to the importance of their role.
- English
- 1.00 Participation
In this eLearning, you will gain a better understanding of LGBTQIA+ culture, history and civil rights to become more culturally respectful and supportive of youth and individuals in this community. By using inclusive vocabulary, current definitions of laws and policies, and examining the social attitudes around LGBTQIA+ lives, you will learn how to affirm and support the lived experiences of youth in the community and empower them to thrive.
- Social Worker
- 0.50 Participation
This eLearning is part 1 of a two part series of trainings for the ICW Policy Roll Out in 2023. This eLearning is approximately 30-minutes long and will cover the history of ICWA.
- Caregivers
- Kinship Caregivers
This two-week book club is an introduction to the concepts detailed in Robyn Gobbel's book, "Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors." The weekly discussions are focused on section one of the book. Throughout the guided conversations, you will have the chance to consider how the neuroscience of behavior can help you better understand your child's actions and needs.
- Caregivers
- Kinship Caregivers
This four-week book club is an extension of the Topic Support Group: Big Baffling Behaviors Book Club, Introduction. The weekly discussions will cover sections two and three of Robyn Gobbel's book, "Raising Kids with Big Baffling Behaviors." Throughout the guided discussions, you will have the chance to consider how the concept of the Owl, Watchdog and Possum brains impact your child's behaviors, develop parenting strategies tailored to your home, and build your own self-regulation toolkit.