Event date
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • Spanish
  • 3.00 Participation
Este curso de aprendizaje electrónico para cuidadores está dirigido a aquellas personas que están listas para recibir su primera colocación o que ya la hayan recibido, o bien que tienen una nueva colocación después de un tiempo sin colocaciones. El curso se enfoca en comprender y planificar las nuevas colocaciones. Aborda tanto los aspectos emocionales de las nuevas colocaciones como los detalles prácticos en cuanto a requisitos, documentación, formularios y expectativas. 
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • Support Groups
  • 8.00 Participation
Join us for another TBRI book club! “The Connected Parent” by Karyn Purvis and Lisa Qualls. Discussion will review TBRI principles and dive into practical parenting applications and real life strategies for understanding attachment, teaching respect, understanding sensory needs, adapting strategies for teens, and taking care of yourself.
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • Spanish
  • 12.00 Participation
KCT está diseñado para ayudar a los parientes cuidadores a desarrollar las habilidades que necesitan para cuidar a los niños que han pasado por un trauma complejo. KCT está diseñado a cumplir con los requisitos de capacitación para aquellos parientes que buscan obtener una licencia.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • Support Groups
  • 2.00 Participation
Welcoming a child into your home, even temporarily, means accepting and affirming their whole selves. When a child has a different racial, ethnic, or cultural background than yours, it can be challenging to know the best ways to properly care for their unique physical, spiritual, and cultural needs.  
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
The Individual Skill Development for Discipline-Related Compliance Agreements session supports caregivers who are under DCYF Licensing Division Compliance Agreements for child/youth discipline issues. DCYF Licensing Division staff will typically refer caregivers to receive this session when Compliance Agreements are established for discipline concerns.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • 4.00 Participation
This eLearning course for caregivers provides a foundation for caregiving and behavior management for children in out-of-home care who struggle with physically aggressive behaviors. You will explore the potential impacts of trauma and maltreatment on attachment, behavior and development as well as the risk factors for violent behavior in children. You will review the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) related to discipline and will contrast principles of positive discipline and punishment.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
 The Inherent Strengths in Kinship Families is a training series developed by Dr. Joseph Crumbley for kinship caregivers. The series takes a strength-based perspective in outlining different topics that are unique to kinship families and providing strategies for caregivers.
  • Kinship Caregivers
We would like to support your journey as a relative taking care of another family member. As a Kinship provider you are always welcome to take any of the training offered by the Alliance or CaRES. Each of these listed special events are planned with Kinship families in mind and provides an opportunity for kinship caregivers to build skills and knowledge related to kinship care and to talk through strategies with other caregivers that support the related needs of the children in their homes.  Participants who attend will receive credit for 2 training hours per session.
  • Area Administrators
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • Program Managers
  • Supervisors
CaRES is offering special one-time events with local experts who will share the most up-to-date information, resources and support on topics relevant to caregiving. Foster and kinship caregivers can expand their understanding of these special topics, learn the latest approaches, and build strategies that support the related needs of the children in their homes.  Participants who attend will receive credit for 2 training hours per session.
  • Kinship Caregivers
This webinar acknowledges the complexities associated with caring for children who are related, including: divided loyalties, redefining roles and relationships, setting boundaries with parents and other relatives, and the range of emotions including anger, resentment, guilt and/or embarrassment that caregivers can feel. Strategies for how to manage family dynamics and conflicts, identify triggers and effectively manage stress are shared.
