Event date
Foundations of Motivational Interviewing for Child Welfare StaffFoundations of Motivational Interviewing for Child Welfare Staff will introduce you to the Spirit of MI; provide the opportunity to begin developing core skills, including using OARS (Open Ended Questions, affirmations, reflections and summaries) responding to the way people talk about change; and understand how to work with resistance. You will get practice opportunities to increase your skill at strategically responding to sustain talk and change talk and helping families make Brief Action Plans.
- Area Administrators
- Program Managers
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- 3.00 Participation
People born outside of the United States often face challenges when adjusting to life in a new culture. Immigrant communities may encounter xenophobia, racism, discrimination and bigotry.This workshop helps you better engage and support immigrant communities by looking at different factors related to human migration and race. You will learn how to anticipate core challenges immigrant communities typically face and integrate skills to improve cross-cultural communication.
- Area Administrators
- Program Managers
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- 3.00 Participation
In this workshop you will develop your skills for engaging when tension exists across cultures. Strategies include how to engage when you offend, how to engage when you are offended, and how to engage when you witness an offense. You will learn how best to approach these tense and challenging situations through vignettes, role play, and small and large group discussion.
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- English
- 4.00 Participation
This course will use kin-first culture principles to help DCYF workers engaging with kinship and relative caregivers to prepare them for successful placements of youth.
- Social Worker
- English
- 6.00 Participation
Worker Safety – a one-day mandatory training for social service specialists, covering such topics as:• Types of workplace violence related to social work practice• Predictors of violent behavior• Recognizing escalating behavior• Safety in the field• Safety precautions in methamphetamine sites• Resources and support for worker safety• Working with law enforcement
- Area Administrators
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- English
- 14.00 Participation
The RIGHT RESPONSE Workshop is primarily prevention training. The Advanced Level 4 training is a full 14-hour certification which provides the skills of Prevention, De-escalation, Postvention and Physical Interventions, including Escorts and Therapeutic Holds. Attendees learn to use physical intervention as the last resort to maintaining safety and learn more proactive alternatives which can prevent dangerous incidents and increase safety.Attendees that complete the workshop receive a 1 year certification and recertification training will be offered annually.
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- English
This course builds on knowledge-based learning objectives and related information presented in the pre-requisite LGBTQIA+ Basics for Supporting Youth eLearning for general audiences. You must first complete that course before registering for this one. In this course, licensing staff will learn to center the lived experiences of LGBTQIA+ youth in conversations with licensed providers, both in childcare and out-of-home care systems.
- Social Worker
- 6.00 Participation
Trauma Informed Engagement is a 6-hour course applying lessons from trauma studies to child welfare practice for children, youth, and adults. Participants will discuss practice guidelines crucial to trauma informed practice in any setting. Participants will learn to distinguish trauma from other adversities and suffering; describe the characteristics, dynamics and effects of trauma; and emphasize the ways in which chronic trauma and complex trauma compromise normal functioning.
- Caregivers
- Kinship Caregivers
Nurturing Conversations with Children about Race focuses on supporting both kinship caregivers and licensed foster parents to practice new skills, and to increase their confidence with conversations about race. This training builds on what's learned in Parenting in Racially and Culturally Diverse Families. In this class, you will continue to explore how to create an environment where conversations about race become a normal part of home life, both proactive (you start the conversation) and responsive (when a child comes to you for support around racism).
- Social Worker
- Supervisors
- English
- 10.50 Participation
This course is mandatory for CFWS workers, and recommended for Intake, CPS and other case carrying staff.