Event date
  • Caregivers
  • English
  • 2.50 Participation
For many children in foster care, the path up to, including and even after adoption can include trauma, grief and loss. As a potential adoptive parent, it’s crucial that you understand the story a foster child is bringing to you and what part you can play in that.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • 6.00 Participation
Discover what compassion really is, how it starts by being compassionate with ourselves and see the positive results with our families and others.You’ll hear about and learn the roadblocks, hurdles and challenges that often prevent this kind of parenting and discover ways to move through them so you, and your children, win!Topics include:
  • Caregivers
  • 3.00 Participation
Support sessions are utilized to address a caregiver’s specific needs and build specific skills. Identified goals are created and progress toward those goals is measured by both the learner and the coach after the session. Prior to scheduling a support session, caregivers need to complete the class “Parenting a Native American Child: Partnering in the Interest of Culture for Caregivers (eLearning).” This session provides in-depth support around specific topics identified by the caregiver as needed. The topics for this session may include:
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • 3.00 Participation
This 1.5 hour Coaching Session for Caregivers covers the financial, legal, and emotional challenges of raising a relative’s child. Services and support when raising a relative’s child can be a lifesaver. Often kinship caregivers do not access the benefits which are available to them. This coaching session will address the issues that Kinship Caregivers struggle with most at an individual level:
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • 3.00 Participation
Coaching sessions are utilized to address a caregiver's specific needs and build specific skills. Identified goals are created and progress towards those goals is measured by both the learner and the coach after the session. This Coaching Session provides in-depth support around specific topics identified by the caregiver as needed. The topics covered may include a Positive Discipline response to any behavior identified in the Positive Discipline A-Z index.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • 0.75 Participation
This short eLearning will answer your questions about how and why adoption support services are offered, what adoption support services exist, and how to access them.
  • Caregivers
  • English
  • 0.50 Participation
Did you know more than half of children’s car seats are installed incorrectly? The car is a dangerous place for a child to be, but there are many resources that can help ensure you’re following all safety and legal guidelines. This brief eLearning is the perfect spot to start, helping you select, fit and install the correct seat each time you need to transport a child. You will find an overview of basic requirements and Washington state laws as well as real-world installation examples and tips.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • 4.00 Participation
This eLearning course will prepare you to work with children with sexual behaviors concerns and create an environment to keep the child and other household members safe. You will explore values and beliefs before reviewing typical child sexual development and the impacts of trauma, abuse and neglect on development and behaviors. You will explore how sexual abuse can impact development, self-image and the household supporting them.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • 1.50 Participation
This 1 hour in-service eLearning is designed to provide caregivers with the information needed to identify, support, and intervene with youth who are living in care and are at risk of running away. Caregivers will learn the characteristics associated with youth who are at risk for running away, and key strategies to reduce the likelihood of them running. Legal and procedural requirements are presented so caregivers can successfully partner with Social Service Specialists and understand what steps to take when a youth is missing from care, and when they return.
  • Caregivers
  • Kinship Caregivers
  • English
  • 1.00 Participation
The University of Washington Research in Early Autism Detection and Intervention Lab (READi Lab) focuses on conducting research related to early identification and intervention for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), which is also referred to as autism.
