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The Intake In-Service course, which will support new staff working at Intake to gain the knowledge and skills they need to be effective in gathering and documenting information and in screening intakes. The course is divided into three modules which occur at different times during the employee’s first six months at Intake.
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- 6.00 Participation
In this training, you’ll consider how to best explain the safety threat that’s keeping a child in out-of-home care and think about how this threat impacts child safety during family time. You’ll practice applying the threshold questions to decisions about family time and articulating to the court why you are recommending a specific level of supervision, even when the child needs to remain out of the home. You will also learn to address areas of personal and institutional bias and how this appears in the language used to shape views of child safety.
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- 320.00 Participation
Regional Core Training (RCT) is Washington State’s pre-service foundational training designed to prepare newly hired social service specialists with the basic knowledge, skills, and understanding to begin their careers in public child welfare for the State of Washington. RCT is a comprehensive training containing multiple sessions which lay the foundation for continuous on-the-job learning and professional development critical to developing competent, confident, and effective child welfare professionals.
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The Plan of Safe Care is an element of case planning for families with infants born with and affected by substance abuse or withdrawal symptoms resulting from prenatal drug exposure, or a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, or born to a dependent youth. The Plan of Safe Care focuses on access to a network of community-based providers and support services and addresses the needs of both the infant and the family/caregiver.
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- 5.00 Participation
Assessment of every environment in which an infant lives and sleeps, as well as all individuals providing care, is critical to ensuring the safety of this vulnerable population. Emphasis will be placed on developmental needs, attachment, and the infant’s relationships.
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- 4.00 Participation
This course will use kin-first culture principles to help DCYF workers engaging with kinship and relative caregivers to prepare them for successful placements of youth.
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- 3.00 Participation
This is a 3-hour course designed to take a deeper dive into the dynamics of chronic and complex child neglect. Participants will consider effective ways to engage and assess families where neglect is present and how to evaluate each child’s unique characteristics, including how each child’s needs are impacted by neglectful behaviors and conditions in the home. We will look at how the impacts of substance misuse, unaddressed mental health concerns, domestic violence and cognitive challenges may interrupt the parent/child relationship resulting in unmet child needs.
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This 3-hour course will help Children’s Administration social workers and supervisors who do ongoing work in the child welfare system with identification of and responses to secondary trauma. The training will increase knowledge and understanding of the levels of secondary trauma, its impact, and how to manage the impact in our environment.
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- 6.00 Participation
Worker Safety – a one-day mandatory training for social service specialists, covering such topics as:• Types of workplace violence related to social work practice• Predictors of violent behavior• Recognizing escalating behavior• Safety in the field• Safety precautions in methamphetamine sites• Resources and support for worker safety• Working with law enforcement
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- 3.00 Participation
LEARN is a suicide awareness training that helps participants identify and act on signs of suicide. The training was developed in the School of Social Work by noted Suicidologist, Dr. Jennifer Stuber, and is based on best practices outlined by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA). LEARN® is designed to empower individuals to help others move in the direction of hope, recovery, and survival. Presenters for this training are contracted and trained by Forefront Suicide Prevention.